Chapter 16

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"What? I thought the plan was yo- "I change my mind. I wanna go home." She says her back still facing him. "Did I do something wrong?" He asks concerned as she was okay just a few minutes ago. "I wanna go home Waylen, please just take me home or at least open the gate so I can call an Uber." She demands.

The room went quiet, only her still unsteady breathe can be heard. "Fine, let's go." Waylen gets up, going into his closet and grabbing a pair of sweatpants. "Here, you probably don't want anyone to see you in my boxers." He places the sweatpants in her hands before walking out the room and down the stairs. Mallory puts on the sweatpants, sighing before following his trail.

Grabbing her phone and walking out the door seeing Waylen in his Rolls Royce already. Climbing into the passenger seat, Waylen immediately speeds out the gate and towards her house. Parking the car on the sidewalk like before. "Bye." She whispers getting out the car. "Listen, I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry." Waylen speaks as Mallory turns around looking him in the eyes. Without a word, she turns around and walks into her apartment building.

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