Chapter 6

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"Alright dinner will be ready in about five minutes, if you guys want to come upstairs." Rowan says walking down the stairs, grabbing his own drink and Aviana's.

Leading the way, Mallory and Waylen once again follow behind, his hand like before on her back. The kitchen was beautiful. There are more lights in the kitchen than in her entire apartment.


Her head zooms to the left, seeing Aviana sit at the dining table. Sitting across from her, Waylen sits beside her. A delicious, humongous bowl of soup in front of them.

"And here is the garlic bread." Rowan says putting the cut board on the table containing the garlic bread. "It's vegetable soup by the way." Aviana smiles.

Digging in they all eat the amazing, cooked meal while sipping on their drinks.

Rowan that was fantastic. Best garlic bread I've ever eaten." Mallory smiles. "Thank you, Mallory." Rowan smiles as he takes her dish to the kitchen.

Aviana helps Rowan with the dishes even if both Mallory and Waylen offered to help.

"Can I get your number, so we can talk about when to meet up?" Waylen asks, out of the blue. "Yes of course." Waylen digs his phone out of his pocket and hands in to her. She quickly types in her number before handing it back to him.

They spend the night talking about summer, work, and each other. Mallory was quiet most of the night, she didn't mind though. She loved hearing her friends and Waylen talk. Waylen was quite quiet as well, saying more than her though.

"Goodnight, babes." Aviana says hugging her friend. "Goodnight." Mallory hugs Rowan afterwards. "Can I offer you a ride again?" Waylen asks as they walk out the gate. He takes the cigarette out his mouth, stomping on it. "I mean if you insist." She attempts to joke. Waylen chuckles.

Following him, he leads her to a Bentley Flying Spur.

"How many cars do you have?" She asks getting more comfortable with the man. "Four." He answers seeing her eyes wide as she gets in the car.

He closes the door for her before going to his side.

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