Chapter 2

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Both girls stepping onto the sidewalk, Aviana pays the man before they walk in. Aviana looks around. "Hello babe." Both girls turn around. Aviana hugs the man, before pecking his lips with hers.

"Okay Mallory this is Rowan, Rowan this is my best friend, Mallory." She introduces. "Pleasure to finally meet you, Mallory." Rowan says extending his hand for her to shake. "Pleasure to meet you Rowan." She smiles at him, shaking his hand.

"Where's your friend babe?" Aviana asks. "He just texted him, he'll be here in about two minutes." Rowan says. "Should we sit?" Aviana asks. "Yes, I have a table there in the back. Come on."

Both girls following the man into a room in the back with one table in it. A private room? The room is beautifully decorated. Flowers hanging around, candles lit, stunning lights hanging from the ceiling.

"Please sit." Rowan says smiling. The three of them sit down. "So, Mallory, Aviana said you're a photographer. What type are you?" Rowan asks. "A family and portrait photographer." Mallory nods.

"Sorry, I don't know much about photography, just to help me understand could you perhaps explain?" Rowan asks. "Well, I basically do photoshoots of family, friends, groups, or an individual person. I only take pictures of people, there are other photographers that focus on nature or animals." Mallory smiles.

"Oh, okay well that seems nice." "Yea, I like it...What about you? You are a lawyer, right?" Mallory asks trying to start a conversation. "Yes, I am, an immigration lawyer. So, I help people with paperwork and files for their immigration." Rowan explains.

"Oh nice, that so- Mallory is cut off by another voice interrupting hers. "Mister Stol, there's a man with the name of Waylen saying he knows you, should we let him in?" A waiter asks from the door. "Oh yes please." Rowan smiles.

The waiter closes the door before leaving, about fifteen seconds later the door opens again. "Hey man. Aviana, Mallory this is my best friend, Waylen. Waylen this is my girlfriend Aviana, and her best friend Mallory." Rowan introduces them.

Mallory stands up with Aviana and Rowan turning around, she sees him.

He's slightly taller than Rowan, he has blue eyes. His has long brown hair tucked back into a bun. His tattoos are creeping past the long sleeves of his expensive looking, black suit onto his hands.

"Nice to meet you." He greets Aviana before turning to Mallory.

His blue eyes piercing into her green one's.

"Nice to meet you...Mallory." He says extending his hand which contains three rings.

He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Her head getting lost for a second before pulling back into reality. Reaching over she shakes his hand; his skin is soft.

"Nice to meet you to." She says looking down, knowing her cheeks are red.

Waylen looks down at her.

Her long, dirty blonde hair let down, her green eyes peeking up at him before looking back down. He can see the color of her cheeks. Adorable. He thought. The most beautiful woman he's ever seen.

Smirking he lets go of her hand. "Hey man." He says hugging Rowan.

Everyone sits back down. Mallory looks up to her left at Aviana, finding her already smirking at her. She had probably seen her reaction to the man.

Looking away to her right, she's met with blue eyes. The only blue eyes at the table.

"So, have you met Rowan before tonight?" He asks. She shakes her head. He smirks at her.

"How long have you known Aviana?" Waylen asks trying to get her to speak. She looks back at Aviana for help, but Aviana is caught up in her own conversation with Rowan.

"Uh...about twenty years." She says and he nods. "Wow long time, huh?" Mallory nods. "I've known Rowan my whole life." Waylen says, "How long is that?" She asks. "Thirty-six years."

Oh God. She thought. If he was her own age, she might've had a change, but God thirty-six, she can't even compete with women her own age never mind seven years older.

"How old are you?" He asks. "Twenty-nine." She answers and he nods. "Hello everyone, my name is Robin and I'll be your waiter for tonight. Can I get you guys started with drinks?" The waiter says standing beside the table. Aviana looks at Mallory, she nods.

"Do you perhaps have any Valbueña red wine?" Aviana asks. "Yes, indeed we do." He nods. "Alright can we get one bottle?" She asks and he nods, writing it down on his notebook.

"Jack Daniels bottle please." Rowan says and the waiter nods. "Anything else?" He asks, everyone shakes their heads. "Alright I'll be back shortly." Robin says walking away.

"So, what do you do for a living?" Waylen asks Mallory. "I'm a family and portrait photographer." He nods. "You?" She asks. "Criminal Lawyer." "Woah, that's impressive." She says causing him to smirk.

He looks into her eyes, she only looks at him for a few seconds before looking away, too shy to face him.

He already knows he has an effect on her. The way her cheeks heat up when they touch, how she can't even look into her eyes, how she fiddles with her hands under the table while they talk...he loves it.

"You live around here?" Waylen asks her. "Yes, about five minutes." She says and he nods. "What about you?" She asks. "Denny-Blaine." Her eyes wide.

Everyone that lives in Denny-Blaine are either doctors, engineers or...lawyers.

She nods, not sure of what to say. She opens the menu in front of her, hoping they could eat and go home.

A few minutes later Robin is back in the room with drinks. "Here you go." Robin says from behind her. He places the bottle of Jack Daniels and Valbueña wine in front of the group.

"Thank you." Rowan smiles up at Robin. "No problem, anything to eat?" He asks.

"Everyone ready?" Rowan asks, everyone nods. "Can we get the Pappardelle al ragù bolognese as well as the Risotto." Rowan orders for him and Aviana.

"Yes, anything for you two?" He asks. "Yes, the Lasagne please." Mallory says smiling. "And for you sir?" Robin asks looking at Waylen. "Ribeye steak, please." Robin nods before leaving the room.

"Mally, Rowan was just telling me about his trip from the UK." Aviana says. "Oh right, Aviana told me you went a few days ago." He nods. "You ever been?" He asks. Mallory nods.

"I was born in the UK actually." Rowan eyes wide as he takes a sip of his whiskey. "Wow really, I can't tell, you don't have an accent." He says and she nods.

"Yea I only lived there till I was nine before we moved here to Seattle. I went over a few times through the years to catch up with my aunt." She says and he nods.

"Well, it's beautiful place." Rowan smiles and she nods. "Drink up babes." Aviana says placing the glass of wine in front of Mallory.

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