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Word count: 808

Pov: Your boyfriend Gorou is stressed out so you decide to give him a hand.

•top reader
•soft sex

Gorou was slumped over the table, one hand on his head and the other writing a letter. I walked up behind him and draped my hands over his shoulders.

"It's late, can't you do this in the morning? " I peaked over his shoulder to scan over the words, "Gorou, are you ok? You haven't said a word all evening. "

"I'm fine, " he replied slowly and put his pen down, his voice was a little hoarse. He put his face in his hands and exhaled. I pulled my hands up and rubbed his head, making sure to scratch behind his ears, "Ah- Y/N..."

"Let me take care of you, you need to relieve some stress, " he leaned back into my touch as his tail began to wag slowly, "Do you want to top or bottom? "

"Please let me bottom, I'm so tired of being in control of so much, " he closed his eyes and sighed, I understood where he was coming from. His position as a general was why he was so stressed in the first place.

I kissed his head and leaned away from him, making the him whimper in disappointed at the lack of touch. I pulled the wooden chair out and picked Gorou up. He wrapped his legs around me and leaned his head into my neck. His body was tense.

This was the first time we were home together since the vision hunt decree had ended, but Gorou couldn't relax. He still had responsibilities to take care of.

I brought him to the bedroom and gently layed him down, giving him a peck on the lips as I pulled the clothes from his skin. I caressed his tight muscles, allowing them to ease.

I repositioned us so he was sitting on my lap. Gorou pulled the robe off my body and allowed me to kiss at his neck. I stopped and giggled into his skin.

"Is it ok if I give you a mark? " I proposed while rubbing circles into his back, "No one to hide it from now, right? "

He paused for a moment before answering, "Go ahead. "

I chose a spot that was still coverable and sucked at the skin, nibbling lightly. I pulled my head back and was met with a dark red circle. It felt good to be this intimate with him again.

My hand fell to his crotch and I began to stroke him slowly, making him whimper. He wrapped his arms around my body and snuggled into me, moaning softly under his breath. I found myself craving touch as well

I put two of my fingers in my mouth and snaked my free hand behind him, gently massaging one in his entrance. He gasped as I thrusted my finger up into him.

"Do you want it fast or slow? " I whispered into Gorou's ear.

"Slow, " he responded, wiggling his hips slightly.

I hummed in response and made sure to take my time to loosen him up a bit before adding the second finger. I made a scissoring motion with my fingers to open him up more. I stopped stroking his cock and moved that hand to his waist. He winced, either from the loss of contact or from the fingers inside him.

"Can I put it in? " I asked, rubbing up and down his back with my now free hand. All he did was nod in response.

I pulled my fingers out and lifted him up by the hips. I held him up with one arm as I positioned myself at his entrance. I slowly lowered him down and he tangled his hands up in my hair. His eyelids were heavy as I gently bounced him up and down.

I leaned forward and Gorou met me in the middle to kiss. His moans filled my mouth as my tongue filled his. I took my hand off his hip and started idly stroking Gorou. He pulled out of the kiss to look down at his crotch, cursing under his breath.

"Who's my good boy? " I asked, using one hand to cup his cheek and stared lovingly into his eyes.

"I-I am, " his voice cracked adorably as his tail started to wag. I moved my hand up to his head and scratched gently, "Y/N...fuck- I'm so close~ "

"Go ahead, " I permitted as I leaned in, "Let me hear your voice. "

Gorou's moans flooded the otherwise empty room as he reached his climax. He rode it out, thighs shaking wildly. He settled down and let all of his body weight rest onto me. I had barely even noticed that I came.


Author's note: sorry for not updating for awhile, been busy with work, but happy pride month everyone!

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