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Enough time had passed that Lily now knew the whole story. She had come to terms with Abby and Harry’s relationship, and had gotten over the fact that her best friend’s boyfriend was Harry Styles. The rest of One Direction had these funny feelings that they knew Abby when Harry introduced her to them. 

Things would happen occasionally that would click with Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn and eventually all their memories were jogged by some miracle, and everyone remembered Abby and the time they had shared together.

They would go back to the bungalow from time to time to reminisce all the memories they had shared there in both lives.

As much as Abby loved the Harry she knew before, this was a new Harry she had to get used to being around. Yes, he was the same person, and she loved him all the same. But, his lifestyle was now completely different. 

He was a lot busier than he used to be—his schedule was packed daily. No matter where he went he had masses of fans surrounding him asking for pictures and wanting autographs. However, Harry never seemed to get irritated at any of this; which is why Abby loved him so. 

He was caring, sweet and humble before and Abby was relieved to see that fame hadn’t changed him at all. He was such a kind-hearted person and never failed to smile and appreciate all that he was given in life. 

Abby didn’t get to see him half as much as she used to or would have liked to, but with love comes great sacrifice. She couldn’t imagine not having Harry in her life. So for that she was eternally grateful.

It was always bitter sweet when she saw him though; She loved being with him and hanging out like they always did, but she came to know that the next morning or that night he’d have to leave. 

Nevertheless she toughed it out and it made the times she did get to spend with him all the more special.

They had only been out in public together a few times and usually late at night, to avoid being seen by the paparazzi. 

This was something Abby wasn’t used to yet. Wherever Harry or any of the band members went, the press and paparazzi would somehow always find them.

Harry’s management had told her, that he was truly loved by his fans and seeing him with a girlfriend may upset them. 

Having been a One Direction fan beforehand, Abby completely understood and agreed to keep her time with Harry as private as they could for now.

Of course situations did arise when they wanted to go out for dinner, see a movie, or just pop out to the shops for a bit, because the paparazzi always seemed to find them. They would make any rumour they could get their hands on, public.

Abby had now heard that she was brainwashing Harry to like her. That she was pregnant with his child, and that she was obsessed with Harry and wanted to marry him.

None of which were true and as long as Harry and the rest of One Direction knew that, Abby seemed to be okay for now.

However, not all press was bad. There were a lot of people that loved Abby and thought her and Harry made a lovely couple. Many people and fans were very happy for them and Harry especially. 

Abby tried to focus on those people for now and tried to remain positive as much as she could. After all, she had Harry all to herself, and no nonsense rumour could come between them. Could it?

Days had past and Abby now felt like a celebrity when she went out. With or without Harry, day or night, the press and paparazzi loved to stalk and ask her questions. 

She tried not to let it get to her, as she didn’t want to upset Harry nor did she want to give in to the public who were waiting for her to crumble. 

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