soleil (pt 1) , reader x wolffe

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this is actually an older draft that i just got around to editing

the next bit is only half written but is at least 3k words so far 👁👄👁

reader is a mandalorian 😩😩
The incoming ship dropped out of hyperspace before the bridge officers could relay the message.

It was a civvie ship, heavily modded, and it moved faster than Commander Wolffe expected it to.
Another rumble shot through the cruiser, making Wolffe stumble.

"Men! Do we have any information on the new ship?" Wolffe's Jedi General was stressed, his voice falling from the usually serenity it held.

"Negative! Our sensors are shot—" the console blew, and the officer speaking crumbled.

Another officer dragged him away before shouting— "our deflectors are down, hyperdrive is offline, and our weapons are only half functional."

Wolffe glanced to his general. The Commander didn't have to be force-sensitive to know what the Jedi was thinking. "Give the order."

Wolffe stepped forward, signaling for an bridge officer to open the shipwide intercomm.

The civvie ship began to move, accelerating towards the attacking Separatist Command ship.

"Civilian ship is on an intercept course for the command ship!" Wolffe  finally got a good look at the civvie ship— long and sturdy, unusually sleek for a modded vessel. It streaked towards the command ship, a shard of light glimmering in the rays of a nearby star— a bolt of hope, racing past the darkness chasing at its heels. The ship pushed through the space dust and rocks, bouncing off in a shower of muted sparks—and halted. It drifted past the deflectors of the ship like debris drifting in the endless blackness of space.

"What are they doing?" the bridge officer asked, a note of hysteria creeping into their voice.

The ship was there one moment and gone the next, the only sign of its presence being the silent splitting of the command ship and the spark of searing light at the core of the wreckage.

General Koon was silent for a moment before he tensed. "All hands," he shouted, voice echoing through the intercomm. "Brace for impact!"

The bridge watched in silence, watching the Separatist command ship split apart with building apprehension— like lightning before the thunder shakes the ground. The ship grew brighter, hypermatter out of the wreckage, turning everything into a blinding white.

The cruiser shook and creaked, groaning from the reactor explosion.

There was a minute of quiet before Wolffe looked back up.

The ship was still there one the other side of the wreckage, small scrapes tracing down the side, marring the paint job.

A console pinged. "The ship is initiating a handshake, General. The ship's signature reads as the—" the officer halted, squinting at the aurebesh on the console "— 'Antarian Ranger Battleship Soleil'."

General Koon paused, a spark of recognition seizing his frame. "Establish contact with the ship."

"Did you see—"
"How could it have survived—"
"Of course i saw it, di'kut—"

The holoprojector chimed and the blue projection of a Mon Calamari person appeared. The bridge quieted to watch. "It seems we owe you thanks," the General said, his voice warm.

"Not at all, sir. the Antarian Rangers are always happy to help the Jedi." the Jedi General straightened.

The Kel Dor man seemed deep in thought. "Forgive me if this seems presumptuous, but could your people help with repairs?" Wolffe shot the General a wide-eyed glance, hidden beneath his helmet.

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