Headcannons for each Hermit!

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In this chapter I am sharing with you my headcannons for each member of Hermitcraft!



- he/him pronouns but is okay with the occasional use of they/them

- some sort of nearly extinct race of people who live in the End and who I will refer to as Voidlings

- x shaped scar on his face as well as a few others, part of the reason he keeps his helmet on

- X can't breathe properly in the Overworld or Nether, as he is a "Voidling" and therefore built for the End, where the air is thinner,  so he has to wear his helmet to filter out around half of the oxygen

- Voidling magic, allowing him to be a very good admin

- twin brother named Xeres, who is referred to as Evil Xisuma now

- has never shown his face to the Hermits, only Xeres knows what he looks like


- he/him pronouns

- natural wings, colored depending on season. (Season 6: grayish purple, to look more like Elytra -- Season 7: Red Macaw wings, embracing the jungle and parrots -- Season 8: still Red Macaw themed, but duller colors, not as vibrant -- Season 9: purple, multiple shades that actually look quite good together

- short due to a birth defect, so he dislikes short jokes aimed at him

- has nightmares about YHS and what he went through there

- pranks galore

- tag, tag 2: electric boogaloo, tegg, and who knows what else. Every season there is garunteed to be a game of tag

- unorganized and messy, which leads to chest monsters and too many ideas to do all at once and half-finished projects


- he/him

- something similar to autism but not autism if that makes sense, basically he's super smart and lacks some of the finer details about social situations, he would much rather be working on redstone or his newfound passion for building than talk to people

- plans out his builds and redstone projects excessively - Mumbo will spend days pouring over his plans and fine-tuning them before actually building anything, which sometimes makes him stressed out

- extremely organized


- they/them but is fine with masculine compliments like "handsome" and others that I can't think of right now

- plans out around half of their builds, the other half is just pure chaos

- their hatred of diorite is for a good reason- a: its ugly -- b: they watched their sister be crushed by a huge pile of diorite due to someone else messing with it

- lost their eye in a fight with a huge mob of skeletons, replaced it with a robot eye cause "it looks cool, what other reason would I need? Although it is very useful-"


- he/him

- got his name due to being extremely clumsy and hurting himself a lot/getting into lots of fights

- is actually mildly disabled, uses full-leg braces, back braces and even everyday crutches on bad days(not the type of crutches you get from the hospital, the ones that cup around your forearm)

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