Episode 1

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In an unknown location, a figure emerges from a shadow, gazing up at the stars, a look on his face that would be hard for anyone who saw it to read.

"Fiore... a truly peaceful place, it makes me want to enjoy myself at the nearest bar. But such a time will come later, right now I, no, we have a mission to accomplish." The man covered his head with the hood of his cloak and was approached by two other people who bowed down to him.

"The two of you know what must be done, if anyone dares to stand before us do not hesitate to strike them down." He looked in the distance as the wind blew slightly, "there's a small town nearby, that will be our base of operation for a little, now go."

With the snap of his fingers he dismissed the two that were with him. "Forgive me, you poor souls. You must die, I will pay my respects for you in the end."

The man headed to the town with the ones he sent in advance and moments later screams and cries could be heard.

~The next day~

"Hey, watch out!" A girl cried out, warning her partner who was about to be jumped by some pretty amateur wizards.

The boy sighed waved his arm, sending a strong just of frozen wind at his attackers, sending them crashing into the back of the warehouse.

This boy had short length black hair and dark blue eyes, wearing a white jacket with dark red shirt with blue jeans and black sneakers.

"Are you a common troublemaker? Your temper makes me think you cause it while in other times some won't mess with you." The boy said as he trapped his enemies in ice, looking at the girl beside him.

"Tch, not my fault these idiots tried to fight me" she huffed and crossed her arms, the girl had tanned skin, long beautiful black hair and brown eyes. She wears a red top that slightly reveals her stomach and a black skirt she also has a white jacket around her waist and wears black and white sneakers.

"Phoenix Fire, right? The name of your guild? I will let this situation slide and keep it secret from them but next time don't do anything else reckless, you look the type."

"What? I am not reckless, you should see my teammates. Those morons can't do anything right."

The boy rolled his eyes and took her to the Fairy Tail guild hall so she could receive her payment.

This girl was named Akane, a wizard from the Guild Phoenix Fire and the boy with her was a Fairy Tail member named Kyo.

She was in town and somehow stumbled into the scene of Kyo's mission and after one thing leading to the other she made things worse and a fight broke out. Ultimately she was a good help in the end so Kyo decided to offer half of his pay to her.


"Thanks... also I apologize for getting in the way like that..." Akane averted he gaze to the floor, clearly ashamed of herself.

"Don't mention it, it's fine. Just try to be more careful, alright?"

The tanned girl nodded, hearing his words and then bowed, taking her leave to catch the next train.

"Now then," Kyo went to look for a new mission to take, as he observed the board, he was met by the leader of the guild: Erza Scarlet.

Erza is one of the many legendary figures of Fairy Tail. She and her friends are heros many strive to be like, they have fought many battles, eventually defeating the most evil wizard of all: Zeref.

"A new mission already huh?" She said, smiling at the boy.

"Yes, I can't help but feel restless today for some reason." He replied, getting a slip that was on the board, an S-class mission.

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