Episode 6 (3/?)

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'Where am I...?' Magnus thought to himself, he found himself in what appeared to be a cage but that wasn't the only thing he noticed.

His hands looked much smaller, he felt drained and fatigued, his arms covered in dirt and various scratches along with various rats all around him.

"Get away from me!" He exclaimed and immediately gasped, his voice didn't sound like his own, he sounded like a young girl!

"W-what is this?! What- no, who am I?!"

He rattled the cage, calling out to whoever could hear him. After a short moments of silence, a door began to open.

"Ah, you look so incredibly helpless. I pity you, but even so I truly enjoy the sight of you."

Magnus looked up at the woman who approached him, feeling an overwhelming feeling of dread and fear take over him.

"My precious little play thing~"

'What is she saying?'

Magnus tried to gather his jumbled thoughts as the woman opened the cage and grabbed him by his neck, forcing him out and lifting him up.

Due to suddenly having a child body he was very light for the woman to hold him up.

As he struggled to get air he made eye contact with her. The woman's eyes looked devoid of life yet as she spoke there was a eery feel of darkness within them.

"Another night with the rats wasn't enough for you? I'm glad actually~" the woman tossed him to the wall and Magnus winced in pain as his arms and legs were pinned to the wall.

The woman smirked, red orbs of what appeared to be blood flowing around her. "Well, allow us to play for a bit okay?"

Magnus screamed in pain as sharp needles were impaled into him, removed and injected again.

"Ah! Gh! Aaaah!"

The pain was unbearable, tears rolled down his cheeks which only pleased his attacker.

"How is it? The pain?"

Magnus glanced around the room as he heard the familiar voice, soon coming face to face with Kenji.

The smirking raven haired male chuckled softly as he stood behind the mysterious woman, watching everything unfold.

"Don't answer me just yet, it gets much worse~" Kenji snapped his fingers and the entire scene began to change.

Magnus, still in the young body was now strapped to a table, a light shining down on him brightly.

Gazing down on him was Kenji, holding various needles in one hand and a scalpel in the other, a devilish grin on his face.

"I'm not as science fancy like the others but boy I am gonna have some fun!" He exclaimed, full of excitement.

He first started by slamming a needle deep into Magnus' left thigh, receiving a true scream of agony.

"Huh? This is enough to make you cry like this? Sorry but I won't stop my fun that easily~"

Kenji held the scalpel up, and stabbed him the shoulder.


"Hahaha! Yes! Come on! Keep up those cries!"

Kenji stabbed his other shoulder, then his leg, then his thighs.

Magnus writhed around in agony, tears running down his face. This young body he had was clearly way less durable than his actual one.

He glanced around the room, hoping to find something but sees another Kenji in the corner of the room.

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