Episode 3

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Kenji emerged from his shadow with the hooded woman and Hibiki, the three of them stood in the center of an abandoned town.

"You're finally back."

The three were met by a young man, he had long white hair and dark blue eyes, though the left was covered by an eye patch, he also wore a black cloak, keeping the rest of his attire hidden. "I told you to get the books and return immediately." The man had a calm tone, not angry or disappointed.

"I'll tell you the same thing I told your little subordinate, you are not my master, I got the books you wanted but never act like you own me, understand?" Kenji glared at the man. "Make that mistake again and I promise you I will kill you myself."

The white haired man closed his eye and extended his hand. "Hand over books, your companion also needs to have her injuries treated."

Kenji tossed the books to him, scoffing in clear annoyance. "I admit I'm curious about your little plan, what is it anyway?"

The man looked away and began to walk off. "What I'm planning is not your concern right now but in time you will know."

The hooded woman followed the white haired man into the distance, leaving the two mages behind.

Hibiki looked at Kenji as she spoke up. "Don't bother, I can already tell you want to attack them."

"I do but I think we should talk to our master real quick, I think he'll be pleased to hear about what I found~"

The red eyed boy smirked, amused by the girl's confusion and by his earlier encounter.

"What do you mean?" She asked

"A certain older brother showed his little head~"


In the castle's infirmary Kyo and Akito were being treated for their injures. Magnus looked at the two, his arms crossed as he looked up at the ceiling, Kyo explained the entire situation to him and he sighed.

"Books were stolen and Revenant Beasts are teamed up with someone... But stealing from here, just what is it that they find valuable? Does this place have some knowledge on something?"

Akito glanced at the mage. "This place has a prophecy about the end of the world... but anyone can learn about just by coming here.." The blond stood up and Magnus quickly tried to stop him.

"Hold on there! Your injuries are far from healed!"

"I'm fine, I must return to my guild for a report."

"Before that, the king and queen request you all for a moment," said a guard who entered the infirmary.


The mages all gathered to the two rulers.

"We have an idea on what was stolen, or more specifically the contents within the stolen books." The king said, looking down in disdain. His wife was next to speak, her face equally distraught.

"As you know we have a prophecy on the world ending. However, we have another legend, one that has been known for generations. It's called the Sage's Stone."

"Sage's Stone?" Magnus repeated, "I never heard of that before."

"I have," replied Akito. "It's been written off as a myth but a select few believe in it.. the stone is said to have incredible power, those who wield it gain unbelievable power and can also have wishes granted."

"Wait, if something like that is true then why haven't I ever heard of anyone looking for it?" Asked Kyo.

"As Akito said, it's always been seen as a myth. Most of it's history was kept within this kingdom only. But due to this situation we can say the stone is very much real, this kingdom's great ancestors once had it." The queen stated, her expression stern, "but now, the stone is lost, no one knows where it is, not even us."

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