Episode 6 (2/?)

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Sy and Kyo ran and out of the cave, dodging the attacks Yutsuko fired at them.

The dark mage calmly walked as she followed them, a small smile on her face, she clearly seemed to enjoy the small chase.

"Kyo, this chick is clearly playing with us!"

"I know she is, no need to point out the obvious.."

Yutsuko brushed her hand through her hair, before extending her hand out, sending blood right past the two and creating a wall.

"You don't think I'll just let you boys go too far now do you?"

Kyo turned to face her, his palms sweaty as he held his sword in both hands. "Of course not, we just wanted to keep the hostages out of harm." He replied, though he was mostly bluffing he did want to keep the miners out of the crossfire of the battle.

Yutsuko remained silent and created her own sword with blood, then in what felt like an instant, she blitzed Kyo, appearing right behind him, ready to slash her blade across his back.

Kyo barely had the time to react but Sy quickly pushed him to the side and blocked her attack with his fist.

"Hm?" Yutsuko was slightly impressed with his reaction time, she used her free hand to create a small blade, going in for a swift strike.

Sy used his other hand to catch the blade and attempted to kick her away but she anticipated that and used her on leg to meet his and the two pushed each other back.

Sy's fist glowed red hot with celestial magic, Kyo recognized this as his Betelgeuse ability, by focusing celestial magic to his fist he fights melee style.

Sy leaped forward, throwing a barrage of swift jabs. Yutsuko easily dodged his attacks, using the side of her blade at times to block some of his hits.

Kyo quickly got behind her while she was distracted, going in for a stab to her back.

Yutsuko dropped the dagger of blood she was holding, turning it back into liquid and it moved behind her, solidifying into a shield to block Kyo's attack. Spears of blood then emerged from it, piercing his left arm slightly as he avoided the attack barely.

Sy grabbed Yutsuko by the wrist and threw her to the side, following with a leap and managed to punch her directly in the gut, sending her flying into the side of a mountain.

"Managed to get a good hit in.." He said under his breath.

"Not bad..." Yutsuko replied, she sounded completely fine and once the dust cleared it revealed that she was uninjured.

"Damn, I thought I had her.."

Yutsuko ran her hand through her hair, small mini orbs of blood flowing up above her head. "Bloody Needles"

Kyo avoided the attack, creating a pillar of ice to raise himself high in the air. He then raised his sword above his head.

"Ice-make: Ice Lance!"

He swung his sword down, sending various spears of ice down at the dark mage.

Yutsuko simply gazed upon them, showing no form of emotion as usual.
The spears landed all around her, as if she were trapped in a cage, the floor began to get incased in ice, the air dropping in temperature as well around her.

"Giant Ice Coffin!"

Yutsuko was covered in ice, not even trying to prevent it from happening.

"Nice one," Sy chuckled and charged at the coffin, raising his fist to shatter it and the dark mage trapped within.

Suddenly he was pierced in his arm and winced in pain. "Gh!"

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