Wedding Night

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Chapter 6

You got to dance a few dances with Kragan as Saffiro taught Kragan and his brothers a few that were popular in Solowards as you taught Kragan's sisters the same dances, dancing with Saffiro to illustrate them as your parents did the same with Thaddius and Astrin. And once there was a couple of rounds of dancing and you grew weary and tired.

"Kragan, My Love, I must make ready and prepare for the night, join me in the Royal Suite in about half an hour or so. That should be enough time for me to be ready for you." You suggested in a soft, quiet murmur into his ear as the song you were waltzing with him to began to slow and wane to a close because your dose of medicine was starting to wear off and you needed to take either your nightly medicine or another dose soon as you left him and started to go back to the feasting table to gather your journal and all of Kragan's papers that he wrote on to put them away in a safe place.

But Kragan simply thought you were eager to consummate the marriage.

"Oh, no need for that, if you're ready to go, then I am too. I'll come with you. Come, we should gather our future and carry it with us." Kragan insisted as he went with you to the table and picked up the stack of papers to carry himself since you had left Mildred to watch over them protectively.

"Uh, ok." You couldn't argue with him as you blushed, wondering how in the world you were going to take your medicine and hide it's true nature from right under his nose. Quite literally.

So both of you gathered up your notes and plans as both of you had your arms full of papers and your hands were holding the inkwells and your pens. The other "gifts" were already in the honeymoon suite for you to open later since they were gathered before the wedding and put in there before the wedding. You didn't want anyone else other than Kragan and yourself to have access to such precious papers. Because you knew your father would try to at least have a servant sneak a few of the papers into his office for copying.

"My Lady, please, I insist on helping you carry those, I do not wish for ink to get on your dress!" Mildred insisted for a third time as she walked beside you and feared that somehow your journal and the inkwell would dirty your mother's wedding dress as she tried to reach out to at least grab the inkwell, lest the ink stain your hands at the very least.

"Mildred, can you see to it that my old desk is brought into the Royal Suite before it's packed away? I need to use it while I'm in this suite, there are still things in it I wish to show my husband." You urged her instead as you kept your journal and the inkwell and pen away from her grasping hands.

"Yes, My Lady." Mildred begrudgingly obeyed as she got two other servants to go and fetch your desk from your room before it could be packed up.

"Thank you for listening to my ideas. I was going to try to wait until we left this place before I shared them with you. But I just couldn't help myself." You thanked Kragan in a low murmur as you made your way to the suite in question with Kragan by your side.

"They're excellent ideas, I'm grateful you trusted me enough to share them with me at all. I'm going to use every one." Kragan assured you before you were shown into the Royal Suite of your family's estate. Kragan whistled lowly at the sheer opulence that surrounded him as he got more ideas about his own estate and The Contessina ships because he wanted even those to have an opulence that at least matched this and exceed it if at all possible.

"So why are we using your desk and not this one?" Kragan asked as he saw the desk in the room and temporarily put his stack of papers down on it along with the inkwell and the pen.

"Because my father has the key to this desk and I don't. And only I have the key to my desk for my privacy. And I wanted to put all of this into it and lock it up so no one but you and I can access such precious papers. Because if you had written these down on my father's own stationary- he would have demanded that you share the credit and royalties for providing you the paper to write them down on in the first place." You explained in a low whisper so that only Kragan could hear you.

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