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The Switch

Chapter 9

Once you got all that business done and out of the way, then you went to Yekmeni but by the time you got there, it was already so late, you barely had time to get something to eat from the market that was starting to close up for the night. Before you were shown your rooms and promised an audience with the King and Queen the next day as you had Mildred direct your trunk full of much finer clothes be brought in as you worriedly went through it and started laying the outfits out and worrying that they would be too wrinkled or not good enough.

"Tessa, you do not need to worry about this. It's Audrey and Lukher. The most Audrey likes to be called by is Savia which all that means is she is Lukher's favorite person. And tomorrow when I introduce you to them, I'll be introducing you as my favorite too. That's it. That's all the formality you need to have." Kragan tried to soothe you as he could see that you were getting worked up about it.

"But it's the King and Queen of Yekmeni. Look around us, there is more wealth and luxury here than even my own King and Queen's Palace back in Solowards and this is just a guest room! Maybe I should wear those jewels my father got me. They would be more appropriate right?" You asked as you asked for Mildred to have the trunk that had all your finer jewelry in it be brought in too.

"No, trust me, with Audrey- less is more. She's The Queen and even she dresses down and simply dresses comfortably and with simple sophistication and with minor jewels except for special occasions. That's all she will want from you- is to be comfortable. She's thankfully unlike any other royalty. She's a lot like you- doesn't like a lot of formality or pretense. Just genuine personality and honest, and surprisingly frank conversation. She's fun you'll love her. And you have like a 99% chance of being her new best friend. She'll be very happy to be yours too. If you ever wanted a strong amazing ally, Audrey is it." He reassured you.

"So what you're saying is I need to wait until the market opens and buy an outfit there so I look like I belong here and am Yekmenian myself." You concluded.

"I mean if you want us to settle down here and become Yekmenians, I'm all for that. Yekmeni is awesome and I wouldn't mind calling this place home or building you an estate that rivals even this palace here. Especially since if we make Yekmeni our home base. That would be ideal, good workers and craftsman, good food, comfortable clothes. Royalty and Nobility that are already close friends. None of that primogeniture bullshit or hypocritical or sexist bullshit either. My sisters and the rest of my siblings as well as you would always be my equal in every way and have just as many rights and freedoms as everyone else. It would be a win win." Kragan shrugged.

"Then what is keeping you from doing just that?" You asked him.

"It's not my decision to make- it's yours. I will move wherever you feel the most comfortable and the most welcome and at ease at. I don't care where. As long as we both get to call it home." Kragan reassured you as he helped massage the stress and anxiety in your shoulders and keep you from getting too worked up and stressed about it before Mildred came in with the trunk that had all your jewelry in it.

"Thank you Mildred. I just...I'm tired from traveling, please, can I get my regular nightly medication?" You requested as the emotional and mental strain was wearing on you on top of the strain from traveling and still keeping your secret away from your husband and his family was starting to become a lot to bear. You felt so guilty for trying to keep up this charade as Mildred got into her special case that she always carried your variety of medications in and put the vial down on your bedside table for you before she bid you both good night. Then Kragan happily helped you get undressed from your traveling clothes since your nightgown was laid out on the bed already since your sleeping mask continued to rest in the tea in the shallow bowl next to the bed as well that was cooling off.

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