The Truth About Side Sickness

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The Switch

Chapter 11

Astrin was just happy to be home and didn't have to worry about dressing any other kind of way except comfortably which you loved and were happy to do. Especially with the undergarments Audrey had gotten made for you- a bralette for your breasts instead of a corset and underwear. Both of which were infinately more comfortable and easy to put on by yourself. Astrin very happily and proudly taught you how to cook and was grateful you were a quick study and learner. Astrin also proudly showed you the accounting books for Salgria Shipping that she always had on her at all time since she managed the money for the company- leaving Thaddius and Kragan and her other children for the hands on part of the business.

She showed you how she kept track of the business and all of it's money and already had made her own money changing system before and independant of the D.A. Which you happily used and agreed was a much better and more accurate one to use since the Dorierran one was slanted in Dorierra's favor. You loved and adored the details and the presicion and accuracy in which she kept her business straight. They were the most beautiful and wonderful accounting books you had ever had the pleasure of seeing and to your utter delight- there was absolutely no way to improve upon them. Salgria Shipping didn't need you to overhaul the accounts- they were already in perfect running order which was solely why Salgria Shipping was as rock solid of a company as it was. Astrin was happy you weren't intimidated or daunted by it. Especially when the book itself was actually dozens of books because each country in which they did business had it's own book. And she had every single employee and their wages and how long they had been with the company noted as well.

When you told Astrin about your accounting service that you ran under your initials of C.V. DeBaringer and every single business you had done it for- she was very impressed and exceedingly pleased. Especially to hear how each one was run and the fact that before you got ahold of their books, you had overhauled their businesses and the business models and saved them money and helped them earn even more.

She was rightfully disgusted that because you were a woman- that by Solowardian Law- it was your father that had to collect for the fees and that without your father's kindness, he could have- in theory, kept every penny of it. And she wholeheartedly agreed that the best place for Salgria Shipping to call it's home base was Yekmeni. Where she and her daughters would have equal rights as people among their male counterparts and proper titles and good interest rates and was impressed that you could get Audrey to be so generous. And when both of you worked out the changes of Salgria Shipping, and the uniforms and the copyrighted nature of the business, the projections of the business before the changes was already almost astronomical and she could only laugh at the thought of how much money they would be raking in once the changes were implimented into Salgria Shipping. And especially once The Contessina Project was introduced to the market.

"So I had an idea." Astrin began as you sat at the table and drank wine as dinner simmered in the pots and dishes in the hearth of the kitchen as the books were all laid out on the table as you finished putting the last and latest information into your own book for The Contessina Project.

"I'm all ears." You invited.

"Since those skeletons got done early, and now they get to be fleshed out early- what if we debut them at your sister's wedding?" Astrin suggested.

"Well it would be a tight squeeze but I think Yekmeni could pull it off. I mean the skyport would have to start being constructed right about now. So that when the first three ships are done, we have somewhere to put them when they would be flown there. And her wedding would be the ideal place to debut them. All of Solowradian high society and royalty will be there and it's still seven months away because they had to push the wedding back to it's original date. Now granted- the Lavines would have to buy it sight unseen so that when the ships sail in on their wedding day- it can appear that the ship was a wedding present and really make a big splash so to speak. And especially if we have an Origninale, an Agile, and if not a Magnifica- then at least an Elegante, it would give a small- medium-large range. Millie still thinks that the whole fleet will have just the Origniale's. But if we give her the medium and we can either tempt them with upgrading or leave the larger Elegante or Magnifica to royalty. And could give them the royal price tag to go with it. Kragan was hoping that Dorierra would get the first peek at the line. But if we give Solowards a pre-view so to speak. Yes I think that would be a very good idea. Wet their appetite so to speak." You noted with a nod and pleased grin.

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