Chapter 23

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"This is kind of incredible," Brianna said as she looked across the attic at Erica.

"Yeah, it is," Erica agreed. The attic was a single wide open room with a window on either side. The side walls sloped but most of the center of room was high enough for them to stand in. "You don't mind sharing with the boys?"

The house was two and a half stories. The ground floor was mostly taken up with a sitting room, dining room and kitchen. It had one small bedroom and Karen had claimed it. Brianna knew she wanted to be first in line if anyone decided to attack them.

The second floor had three bedrooms and a small bathroom. Kathy took the smallest and divvied out the other two to Jay and Courtney and Connor and Amanda. The rest would have to bunk up in the attic.

"We'll hang a sheet or something," Brianna said, "so we have some privacy when we dress, but no, I don't mind sharing."

Tanner and Jonathan appeared, carrying their bags. "Karen wants us to come down for a family meeting," Tanner said as he dropped his bags into a corner.

Brianna followed them down the stairs to the main floor.

"I still can't believe you rented a house," Connor was saying as everyone gathered in the front sitting room. Brianna found a spot on the couch next to Amanda as everyone gathered around.

Karen took a deep breath and said, "this what Kathy and I want to discuss with you all. We understand, you think you are adults. And we understand how important this mission is. But you can not afford to forget about human responsibilities either."

Tanner groaned. Brianna looked away. Karen was right, whatever Tanner thought.

"It's the twentieth century," Karen protested. "You can't just be werewolves. Not anymore. Not unless you want to go live in the woods and eat deer. Or do something illegal, like the Fleischers do. The rest of us have to be humans, too. We have to have jobs and earn money."

"We will get jobs, if that's what you want," Connor said.

"No, you won't," Karen barked. "You'll finish school and you will get an education."

"We can't exactly drive back to Dubuque everyday," Tanner groused.

"You can go to school here," Karen replied.

"Oh," Tanner said.

"But my uncle..." Amanda began.

"You can search on the weekends," Karen replied. "If there is news, or when the passes start to clear, we can discuss this again. But for right now, you can't keep dragging the pack up on the mountain. It's too dangerous this time of year. You'll all freeze."

"But..." Amanda started to protest.

"What would Darren say if he were here?" Kathy asked. Amanda looked down but didn't answer. "He'd tell you to keep yourself safe. We're on your side and we want to help. But it has to be on our terms." Amanda nodded.

"So you are all going to finish high school," Karen said. "Understood?" They all nodded. "And we are all going to have to pitch in around the house. Even with the deal we got, this is going to stretch the family budget. Forget about going out to eat, ordering pizza, you name it. It's going to be tight."

"Maybe we can use some of my savings?" Jay asked.

"No!" Kathy said. "That's your college money. It's going to college."

"But Mom, you said it's going to be tight. I just want to help," Jay protested.

"I don't care. I am not going to let you. And besides, what she said, it applies to you, too. You are going to school."

"I've graduated," he snapped.

"You were planning on taking courses at the community college this spring," she said. "Well, Idaho has community colleges, too. I expect you to sign up for at least a couple of courses."

"Brianna," Karen said. Brianna started, not expecting to be called out personally. She looked up. "You, too," Karen said. "Your parent's set aside money for your college tuition and the tribe matched it as part of your fostering with us. Since you graduated early too, you should go with Jay."

"Yes, Ma'am," Brianna said. 

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