Chapter 46

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Brianna spied Jay down the hall of Building Three. She started towards him. He smiled and gave her a one hand wave.

"Fag," another boy muttered, accidentally shoulder bumping him.

"What is your problem?" Jay demanded, his eyes narrowing.

The boy stopped and glared back at him. "I don't think people like you ought to be going to this school. That's all."

Jay stared, his eyes bulging.

Brianna reached his side and answered before Jay could. "Well you know what?" she snapped. "I think you are a redneck loser. But the polite thing is to keep some thoughts to ourselves. Come'on Jay, we are out of here." She spun around and latched on to his arm, dragging him away.

Out of the corner of her eye she could see that he was close to tears. So she veered down a side hall and outside. He gave only one small glance towards their joint psychology class but let her lead.

"Do you want to talk?" she asked when they were outside.

He pinched his nose to stop the tears. He shrugged. "I don't get it," he said. "I thought, I thought it would different."

"It is," Brianna insisted. "I mean, guys like that were always a minority, whatever it might have felt like to you. Here they are even less. Most everyone likes you. They do."

He gave her a veiled look. "It's not that," he said. "I know, I know. It's..." he picked at the front of his T shirt. "It's this. All my life the bullies said the same damn thing, I need to tone it down. So here I am, toned down. And it's like they can see right through this fucking disguise. They just know right off that I am not like them."

Brianna grabbed him by the shoulders. "That's the best thing about you, Jay. You aren't like anyone I've ever met. You are the most unique, special person I know." She leaned in so passing students wouldn't hear them. "And coming from a werewolf, that's saying something." The side of his mouth twitched and his eyes shone through tears. "So stop trying to disguise your best. Embrace the people who like you as you are, and ignore the idiots who don't."

He leaned in and she hugged him tightly. "Thanks, Brianna," he said after awhile, "you are true friend. We'd better be getting to class." 

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