Reunion (part 7) (Final chapter of Season 2)

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"Don't worry, I got this. Ha, ha." Adora was then flung across the room.

"Hey, leave her alone." Glimmer shouted. She teleported on top of the elementals head and started attacking it.

I held out my hands and had vines come from the ground and wrap around it. Sadly it got out of them and flung Glimmer into a table. She-Ra started attacking and dodging stuff it was throwing at her.

We kept fighting until the elemental started rolling towards Bow's parents. Glimmer teleported Bow's dad's away from the monster. The monster than started rolling towards us until Bow hit it with an arrow. He grabbed the rune stone shard which the elemental happily excepted. I started glowing and then went back into ball form.

Glimmer teleported to Bow, "That's my Bow."

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" George screamed.

Bow walked towards them, "I... I lied to you. There is no Academy of Historic Enterprises. I've been living at Bright Moon, fighting in the Rebellion. Along side Adora, Claire, and princess Glimmer."

"But why?" Lance asked.

"I don't want to be a historian. I've never wanted to be a historian. I'm not a shy bookworm. I'm not a genius like you two. I make things. I'm a soldier. This is who I am. And I can't lure about it anymore, even though I'm breaking your hearts."

It was silent for a long time until George came up and hugged Bow, "What's breaking our hearts is the fact that you thought you had to lie about who you are."

"You're not mad. But I'm a fighter, and you hate fighters."

"I could never hate you. Never. If you feel like you belong in the Rebellion, that's where you belong."

"Oh, Bow, why didn't you just tell us?"

"I tried, but you didn't listen. You only listened to me if I said what you wanted to hear."

"We had no idea you felt that way. We were just trying to encourage you to pursue your dreams. We thought we were being supportive when really we were being terrible." Lance started to cry.

"We love you the way you are. We're proud of you, no matter what path you take in life." They all hugged each other. George then looked over at us. I hadn't realized we were all crying until then. "This is a family hug, Princesses. You're Bow's family, too."

"Well technically I am not a princess."

"Yes, you are. You're Angela's daughter and my sister." Glimmer said. That made me sob more and we all joined the hug.


"On our mission, we received a message from an unknown source. If we knew what Serenia meant, we could figure out the rest."

"'Serenia portal Mara.' Okay. But what are these other words?"

"We don't know." I said.

"It's too degraded to read." Adora finished.

"Wait. Lance, what does this pattern look like?"

Lance gasped, "Oh, I think you're right."

"What is it?" Bow asked.

"Look at it, Bow. Really look at it. What do you see?"

"These aren't words at all, are they?"

"Oh, now you've got it. George, get the projector."


"The world of the First Ones was different from ours. Climate, language, even the sky was different, filled with cosmic formations they called..."

"Stars." We all said.

"The First One's used them to navigate and named constellations after mythical heroes, including Serenia."

"The Constellation Serenia would only appear in summer and only over one place."

"The Crimson Waste." Glimmer said.

"That's where we have to go."

"What?" Lance shrieked, "You can't go into the Crimdon Waste. It's a no-man's-land, a giant lifeless desert. No one's ever made it that far and come back alive."

"Promise me, you kids will stay away." We in fact did the exact opposite. And everything started to go down hill from here.

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