Chapter 5 | There are...Radiants like me?

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See haha lol this is plot twist! its what I play, valorant!


The French man with the glasses walked out of the jet. He had a gold lining from the side of his head, to his body. "Now...You are Liz right? A radiant specializing in tech- and weaponry?" He asked. "Uhm..Yeah? how do you know me?" She asked.

Chamber chuckled. "I looked into your file. You are quite interesting- no? So, why not work for me?" He held out a card to the Filipina, as she took it. "Uhm, since I have no where to go, sure..?"

He smiled. 'You're going to be the youngest agent in history, mademoiselle.'

-in the valorant protocol.-

Liz looked around her new home, her new life. All of her firework pouches were set aside on a table, lined up with her vandal and ghost. She looked excited enough to see the basic room, as she started decorating. With pieces from home, from pictured frames, to her diary. Wait- her diary went missing?

Liz didnt notice it at first, as she continued unpacking her belongings. A certain female knocks on the door, as she walked in swiftly.
"Yo! Your Liz right? The young agent?" The Korean asked. Liz nodded shyly. "Woah, amazing! I'm Jett by the way. Nice to meet you! Chamber brought you here right?" She asked. "Uhm...yeah. I got lost in the middle of a forest and he found me there, with my powers." She made up.

"So uh, there are radiants like me now?..."

-back at the forest-

Jin overheard every bit and peice of the conversation, as tears welled his eyes.

"Nonono, I- I can't- I can't lose her...the love of my life.." he sobbed.

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