We in There!

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(A/N: This story takes place in 2023. Enjoy!!)

February 2023

Click. I just purchased tickets to Dreamcon 2023! My heart was crushed I couldn't go last year when I went to the website and it announced tickets were sold out. Now that it's set in stone, I have to search for a hotel and buy my plane ticket because I am from New York and Texas is too long of a car drive. I can't believe it-I'm actually going to Dreamcon! I'm going to meet RDC, Berleezy, and... Cory.

I have been a fan of Cory since he was recommended to me on my homepage one fateful day. Yeah, it was the premiere of his first spooky scary Sunday and I was hooked from then. He is so entertaining to watch and seems like an amazing person to meet.

After scrolling through many choices, I found a nice hotel to stay at and reserved my time there to match Dreamcon's duration. I also bought plane tickets to Texas and I rented a car for Dreamcon because I don't trust these people. Alright, that checks out for today. Five more months Niarra.

I posted on my Instagram that I'm going to Dreamcon and it was noticed by RDC. They liked my story and replied, "We're glad you're coming, It's gonna be litt!" I screenshotted the reply and showed it to my friends.

Me: Guys, RDC replied to me!!  *screenshot*

Jayy: Lucky you! Still ain't get noticed smh

Gina: Girl don't be mad your crusty edits ain't make the cut!

Val: Ouuu Jay why Gina come for you like that? You gonna get her back?

Me: Hey stop with the violence! Y'all got your tickets yet? They selling out mad fast sheeshh!

Jayy: Yeah I just bought them. Ni, got the hotel
we staying at?

Me: Yeah *sends pic of hotel and address*
Jayy, Gina, and Val liked the picture

Gina: That's a nice hotel!! July me neowww!!
You and Val emphasized Gina's message

Val: Facts! Anyway I reserved my room and got my plane ticket. We all staying next to each other, right?

Jayy: Duhh girl! Anyway, goodnight y'all. I gotta get up for this dusty job in the morning
You, Gina, and Val laughed at Jayy's message

Me: Goodnight girl!

Gina: Gn girlie!

Val: Goodnight honey!

They have been my besties since the seventh grade!

By the way, my name is Niarra (Ne-air-ah) but you can call me Ni-Ni or Ni. My besties are Gina or Gigi, Jay (her real name is just Jay), and Val (but her name is Valina (Vuh-lee-nuh).She always introduced herself as Val. She was going to introduce herself as Valina to her favorite content creators some day if she had the chance and was ready of course).

So if you didn't realize, Jay makes edits for RDC and also Berleezy. Not to mention, Val has a beautiful way of drawing and animating people and things. One of Val's animations got noticed once by Desmond of RDC.

(Shout out to all the editors and animators out there! You are appreciated around these parts 😍❤️)

Those three girls have always been real and held a girl down. It's crazy since we are now 23 and are grown women. Hey, that's life for you. But I hope that doesn't distract you from the fact that...

I'm going to Dreamcon!!! July needs to hurry up.

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