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I woke up at 10:10 A.M. Today's the day! I got up excitedly and went to the bathroom. I texted my friends:

Me: Y'all up yet

Val: Yess!!

Jayy: Yeah girl getting ready now. Skirt, dress, or jeans?

Gina: We wearing dresses!!  I got my pink dress

Val: Yay I can finally wear that cute champagne dress!!
You, Jayy, and Gina loved Val's message

Me: Ok I know what just to wear!
Gina wowed your message

Gina: I hope it's the gorgeous lavender dress??

Me: Yess
Gina loved your message

Gina: Yayy I'm excited! Be ready by 11:30!

I liked Gina's message and hopped in the shower blasting Woman by Doja Cat. I got out fifteen minutes later wrapping a towel around my body. I went out of the bathroom and retrieved my lavender dress.

The dress weaved from silk of a beautifully vibrant lavender, designed to have spaghetti straps, a round cleavage line, and embracing and highlighting my curves that stops at the middle of my upper thighs.

I put on my favorite lotion, Endless Weekend by Bath and Body Works. Once I was done, I put on the dress feet first and took off my bonnet. I got my hair done with box braids down to my waist. I put on my silver sandals with two inch heels and I checked myself in the mirror. Walking past the mirror, damn I'm fine! I put on my silver tiny hoop earrings and matching silver bracelet on my left wrist.

I ate my leftovers from last night and brushed my teeth. I carried my matching lavender bag and exited my room. It was 11:15 A.M. I saw Val and Gina in the hotel lounge. "Hey y'all!", I greeted them. "Hey Ni! Ok now we have to wait for Jay slow self", Gina replied. "Hey Ni-Ni! I was just watching a video", Val said looking at her phone. I nodded and sat with them until Jay showed up ten minutes later. "Hey!", Jay greeted us. Gina rolled her eyes, "About time! Now let's go". Val and I laughed getting up from our seats. We headed to the hotel parking lot and I beeped the Tahoe and unlocked the doors. We got in the car with Gina on the passenger side since she has the directions to Dreamcon. We bumped some music on the way like "Switch the Colors" and more. We arrived and I parked the car. We got out and headed into the center.

It was packed! The stadium hosted lots of cosplayers and fans like us everywhere. We walked together looking at all the vendors. I went to this one vendor and examined their products. I heard someone talking near me while my head was down, "Nah I ain't gonna do all that! Out of all the times I've been here? Nah I'll stick to my original plan". I looked up to see who was talking. Berleezy! Berlin then looked in my direction and seen me. I waved at him and he waved at me back. I got closer to him and said, "Hey Berlin! I'm Niarra, a fan of yours, it's nice to meet you". He replied with a smile," Yeah it's nice to meet you too and I like your dress". I texted Val to come over to meet Berlin. Val came behind Berlin, "Hey B!" Berlin turned around and seen Val. "Oh hey! What's your name?" He said. "I'm Valina, but you can call me Val! I wanna picture with you", She replied getting out her phone. Berlin agreed to take the picture. She took one with her and Berlin and one with Berlin, her, and I. "Alright I gotta go but it was great meeting y'all!", Berlin said holding up the peace sign and going somewhere else. We waved at him.

"Wait until we tell Jay and Gina about this!", Val said excitedly texting the group chat. I looked at the group chat. They are trying to find RDC right now and are jealous we met Berleezy. Val and I went in Berlin's direction to hopefully find Rdc ourselves. We found ourselves in a crowd full of people. We pushed gently past people to find Rdc in the center greeting people. I texted the group chat and let them know Val and I found RDC.

A couple of minutes later, Jay and Gina were right behind us. "Oh my god!! It's really them", Jay said gushing. After a fan got their pictures, we went up to meet Rdc. "Hey y'all! I'm Niarra, the girl who's story you replied to back in February", I greeted them. "Oh yeah! Hey girl and who are y'all?" Mark said. "I'm Jay!", Jay said. "I'm Gina", Gina said a little nervous. "I'm Valina, but call me Val for short", Val replied. All of them said hi. "Val can I just say? You fire!", Desmond said and made Val giggle. "Thank you Des", Val replied. Desmond eyes widened and interjected, "Aren't you that girl that made the animation of the whole crew back in like... October?" Val soon wore a cheesy grin, "Yes I am! I'm known as DrawntoVal". "Well, that is still one of my favorite animations to this day! You have a lot of talent", Desmond complimented Val, leaving her feeling on cloud nine. "Wow! Thank you, I appreciate that so much". Gina, Jay, and I all smirked at Val. We took a picture with Rdc.

"Thanks y'all!", I said then we left. "Ok so we met Berlin,RDC, so who's next?" Gina said. Cory. "Cause my name is Cory Kenshin!", Jay sang. I blushed. "I haven't see him yet", I said looking around. "Uh, Niarra", Val tapped my shoulder. I looked at her and she pointed ahead of me. Twenty feet away was the shogun himself. Cory Kenshin and I are twenty feet apart. This is it! I approached him and tapped his back.

Cory turned around and faced me and I said,"Hey Cory! I'm Niarra and I'm a huge fan".

(A/N: I hope y'all are enjoying the story! I just got back into writing my stories after a very long hiatus due to lost inspiration and life. I'm a little worried that this story won't be much cause it's different. It isn't romantic and it paints Cory as a villain. But I still love making this story and it makes me realize that I still love writing. Ok peace out!)

(A/N: Now an authors note of a revised story. I'm really enjoying the revisions I'm making. I hope y'all are noticing the tweaks if you read this before. Anyways... I'll be back with another update 💕)

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