The Jury Finds You...

49 5 11

August 12th 2024

Today was the day. Today... I prove my innocence to the state of Michigan. I also see Cory again-I'm not looking forward to that. I'm going to see the same man who pretended to care about me just to stab me in the back. I mean, he might've as well have stabbed me! I get dressed in a white shirt with a black tight spaghetti strap dress and black short heels. I had a lace front weave with jet black hair that had beach waves. I did my baby hairs and had my weave parted to the right. I seen Val and Jay were ready with similar style. Amir arrived for my trial and had on sweats and a shirt. Typical Amir. We headed out to the court. My gut vibrated intensely.

We got to the courthouse and went inside. We sat down and glancing across from me was Cory. I responded by staring at him with anger and hurt in my eyes. For a brief second, he looked at me with helplessness and sadness in his eyes. I suddenly remembered the conversation we had in his hotel room during Dreamcon.

"If you don't like to kill, then why would you be a killer?", I questioned him. He wouldn't like to kill, then why kill in the first place, right? "Well because I don't know. I'd be a killer because I just want to get rid of people. Maybe it's my way of releasing demons", He replied. "Interesting", I nodded my head slowly. Just wanting to get rid of people? I don't know why someone would want to do that. And then it be a way of releasing his demons? He must have a pretty dark past that I don't realize. But why get rid of people to release your demons?

"You know Cory, there are other ways to release your demons. I think killing people would keep your demons longer, don't you think?", I theorized. Cory nodded, "I suppose so. But... that logic wouldn't matter if I was a killer. I'd be too into my demons to even care. My morals are shot. I would be too deep to pull myself out. Someone would have to help me".

This whole time he was telling on himself. He needs someone to help him? I would've been that person but he screwed up by throwing me under the bus. If I go to jail, then I'm making sure he gets what he deserves. It doesn't matter who you are- you fuck with me and there will be consequences. Cory averted his gaze from me when Jay looked at him like she wanted to tear him a new one. I let out a deep sigh. Val comforted me. Gina couldn't come because she had to attend to family matters. Soon enough, the hearing started.

We did introductions and a lot of people applauded when Cory introduced himself. That's when I noticed most of the people here were samurai. Good grief. Ok Charlie Brown... gon' head now. "Alright, let's get this case started", The judge said when introductions were done,"We are here to find whether or not Niarra Jones is guilty of first degree manslaughter and aggravated kidnapping".

After of what seemed like hours of discussion, the jury finally came to a verdict. "Order of the court!", The judge slammed the mallet a few times silencing the courtroom. Everybody fell silent. A member of the jury stood up. "The jury would like to announce the decision on the case of Niarra Jones versus the state of Michigan", The person announced. My stomach did front and back flips. What the jury member said changed my life completely.

"We the jury, find Niarra Jones guilty of first degree manslaughter and aggravated kidnapping".

I sat in shock. The courtroom cheered happily. I looked over at Jay, Val, and then Amir on the verge of tears. "Alright, Niarra I sentence you to 25 years to life in prison without the possibility of parole", The judge stated. "Case adjourned", The judge said hitting the mallet once more. My vision got blurry as police officers put me in handcuffs. Jay got angry and ran over towards Cory. A whole scene broke out as Jay began punching and kicking Cory everywhere while he blocked those hits. Then, some samurai started fighting Jay and Amir joined in defending Jay. Officers pulled everyone away from each other and de escalated the scene.

"You are a sick man!! I'll kill you and send your head to your mother's doorstep! You know Ni-Ni had a bright future and you took that away from her. Congrats, you burned bridges with one of the only people who actually gave a damn about your ass and would help you!", Jay shouted fighting tears as officers pulled her away.

The officers took me out of the courthouse and into the police car. I looked sadly at my friends and brother. In my peripheral, I seen Cory look at me with a speck of remorse in his eyes. Does something in him actually care about me? Nah, he threw you under the bus! He's not your friend. The police got in the car and drove me to where I'll be spending the rest of my life...


The End

A/N: whew! Yeah this is the end. Or is it? Let me know what y'all think!

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