Soft Evidence

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Niarra's POV

I unfortunately can't go to the police with only this because it's classified as soft evidence. What's soft evidence you may ask? It's basically evidence that's not solid and the defendant can get out of it easily. Besides, I tracked his IP address without his permission so that's snooping. I need evidence-hard proof that Cory can't get out of.

I need to catch him killing somebody. I think it's possible since I tricked him into thinking I'm on his side. It's been three days and I heard nothing from him. Maybe he stopped killing? He posted a video but I didn't bother watching it. Not when I know he's murdering innocent people behind the scenes. It doesn't feel right. I even unsubscribed from his channel. I was subscribed to him since 2016. I felt sad but it was best. He even did a collaboration with Dashie and Berlin. I only watched that because of Dashie and Berlin. If only they knew who Cory truly was.

I finally told the girls about Cory. Gina always thought Cory was off so this didn't surprise her. "I knew something was off with that man! Ni, please be careful!" "I'm trying to. I just gotta play it safe", I said. Gina huffed, "You're in his mess now. That's not the way to do it". I rolled my eyes, "Well it's too late to back down now".

On the contrary, Val thought Cory was a nice guy and was shocked. "Wow... Cory, a serial killer??" I nodded my head. "I just wanna know why. Why did he become a killer?", Val stared at the floor. I shook my head. Meanwhile, Jay went into full protective mode and flew to Michigan to stay with Val and I for awhile.

"I'mma be real and say I'm scared too", Jay continued, "But, ain't nobody gonna harm my besties!" "PERIODDD!", Val and I shouted in unison and embraced each other in a group hug. Jay was always a protector. She is gonna die trying.

I'm grateful to have my best friends. They believed me right off the bat because I was very honest and didn't play with anyone's lives. Even though I'm beyond disgusted about Cory, I still hope he's ok. Wherever he is.

Cory's POV

I parked my car in this abandoned grocery store parking lot. I seen this guy walking around the lot. I approached him. He looked at me with a blank face. No reaction to seeing me. Not a samurai. I smirked and while he looked on his phone, I covered his nose with a cloth of chloroform. He immediately passed out and I carried him to my car. I drove off to my other secret location in Ohio.

I got there and tied him up. You might be wondering how I get away with stuff in Ohio and Indiana. It's simple, I bribe the cops in those states. It's much harder to bribe in my hometown since I been there all my life and some of the police knew me when I was a kid. I bribe the cops with food sometimes. So what would happen is the family of the missing person would file the report.

That report stays up for a day and then it gets removed. Never to be seen again. Did the families complain? Absolutely! However, there's nothing they can do about it. The report gets put out of sight. I heard some people are building an advocate group for the missing people here. Anyways, I have to decide on how I'm going to kill him.

I got it. I will suffocate him. I've been into slow and painful deaths lately. I always liked it when people suffer. It's so satisfying to see them scream in pain and their eyes shrink. As if that will make the pain go away. Then, I see their soul fade away to the afterworld. I seen he was no longer breathing or responding so I put him in a dumpster and burned the corpse with my furnace. I smiled and headed home.

Once I got home, I texted Ni-Ni and let her know that I'm going to need her assistance in the next two days. She ok'd me. I know people wonder why I'm single since I'm so handsome. Well... I don't have time for a girlfriend. I'm so busy- YouTube, family, friends... killing. It gets hectic sometimes. One or two things want to collide with each other and that makes me mad. I want nothing getting in my way- at all. Yeah, I can be anal about things if you will. Some things, not all. Especially when it comes to my murders. After all, it's a sweet release! Finding victims, kidnapping them, killing them, and disposing them. It's a marvelous process.

I realized it was 11 P.M. I should wash off and chill for the rest of the night. I looked at my phone at a picture of Ni-Ni and I. She's such a great friend, what did I do to deserve her? I hope she can be as great of an accomplice as she is my friend.

Only time will tell that.

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