Chapter 13

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Armin's POV

How could he... I loved him... I still love him... I can't believe Eren would...

"Armin I'm sorry I-" Eren started, but I cut him off.

"How could you do this Eren..."

"I'm so sorry... It's just that I thought that you..."

"You can't just kiss someone like that... I want my first kiss to be someone that actually loves me, Eren!"

Then Eren burst into a fit laughter... I didn't understand what was so funny, nothing was funny about this. He broke my heart he-

"I love you Armin." He stated as he kissed me, this time successfully... I'll admit it was a bit forceful. But this time, I didn't push him away. I was actually too shocked to even kiss him back for the moment, but once I had processed what was happening, that Eren really did love me, that he felt the same feelings I had been feeling towards him, I gladly returned the kiss.

It was short and sweet, no hardcore making out, tongues or anything drastic of the sort. It was just a sweet, simple first kiss... For me at least, I was sure Eren had made out with plenty of hot girls with that face and body, not that I have any interest in the female species.

Once we split apart, I whispered a quiet, "I love you too..." Just millimeters from his lips.

Just with that, a wide smile spread across his face. I swear the ends of his mouth with touching his ears, I had never seen him so happy.

"Well then..." He started, "Armin Arlert, would you make me the happiest teenage boy in Shiganshina high school, and be my boyfriend?"

I giggled a bit at his choice of wording.

"Well... I don't know..." I teased.


"Okay okay! Eren Jaeger, I'd love to..." That was my answer, the words that brought us together as a couple and would lead us through a huge part of both of our lives. I didn't know one boy that at first made me miserable, could make me so happy.

Eren pulled me into his warm embrace, and he kissed me again. I like it even better the second time, since I actually new what was happening and what to do. His lips were soft, and they seemed to fit perfectly with mine. I wonder what he was thinking... I wonder if he enjoyed our second kiss as much as I did. I can only hope.

We slept together that night, and I mean we ONLY SLEPT together. I curled up against his side, my head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around me. I couldn't fall asleep at first, but he stayed awake until I did, which was super sweet of him.

I suspect that even after I did fall asleep, Eren stayed awake... I'd say he was just watching me sleep- creepy, right?- but he always insists that he was staying up to protect me- not that anything could possible have hurt me there. But still, it was sweet... I love Eren Jaeger... And I always will



Hahahaha the comments on the last chapter were HILARIOUS! You guys are adorable...

I hope this makes it up to you...

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