Chapter 15

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Armin's POV

After our amazing time in the park, we both decided to go back to Eren's house for a while. There, we were both sitting on his bed, I was seated right between his legs with my back against his chest and his arms were wrapped around my waist as he tried to teach me how to play a game called 'Skyrim.' It was fun. His warm arms were suddenly removed from my waist and he guided my thumb to one of the triggers on the remote.

"You can turn, you know. You don't have to be facing the same direction the whole time." He said and laughed quietly.

I smiled and did as he said. Being able to turn in different directions proved to be very useful.

"There you go..." I heard him mumble behind me, "Now use your sword." He gently hands once again guided my finger to another button that caused the little person on the tv screen to slash his blade and the angry guard dropped to the ground, dead. Eren showed me how to open the killed person's inventory and take his supplies. A new sword, a shield and some armor. After closing his inventory I was shocked to see that taking the guards armor had resulted in him laying naked on the ground... What a fun game.

Eren cracked up laughing at my reaction. "What? Did you think the dead guy would be able to put new clothes on for ya?" He teased and kept laughing.

I just shook it off and kept moving forward. "Well it's a video game," I started, "you'd think it'd show some decency."

That just made Eren laugh more. "Oh my god... You're so cute!" He practically screamed, making me blush. The remote control was suddenly taken from me and a menu popped up on the screen, meaning Eren had paused it. Then... Out of nowhere... I felt a poke in my right side, forcing me to squeal.

"Ah. Ticklish are we? I thought so..." Well that little shit...

I felt another rough poke at my side, then another, then another. Pitchy squeals turned into a laughing fit as two hands started tickling my belly. He pulled me down and sat over me, refusing to stop. The expression on his face as he tickled me beyond being able to breathe... He looked so amused. Well, then he was tickling under both of my armpits.

"NO!" I managed to squeal somewhere in my fit of laughter. Now I was squirming, and Eren was over me, laughing, his entire face seeming to light up.

Somewhere along the line, I ended up falling off his bed, dragging him with me. But guess what? He still didn't stop!

"STOP! STOP! STOP!" I cried out, while I was laughing so hard that tears rolled down my cheeks. Finally, he stopped and flopped down next to me. We were a tangle of limbs and giggles.

"You're adorable." Eren laughed and gently kissed my nose.

"You're a jerk." I said in return.


We remained laying on the ground like that for a while until the buzzing of my phone in my pocket had to separate us. I pulled it out of my back pocket and checked the screen. I sighed and wrapped my arms around Eren's neck.

"I have to go home now." I whispered.

His grip around me tightened and he nuzzled his face into my neck.

"Noooo!" He whined. I smiled apologetically. "Fine... I'll walk you home."

"No, Eren! I can walk home on my own just fine!" I argued.

"But what if-"

"Eren. I'll be fine."

"... Fine..." He gave in and we got up from the ground to get all of my things together.

He walked me out the door, where we kissed each other goodbye, he made me promise to call him, then I headed down the street, away from his comfort with my bag over my shoulder. I noticed that he watched me all the way until I turned off his street and we could no longer see each other. Without Eren watching over me, I had to keep my guard up.

Turning down my street, my arms were suddenly pinned behind my back, I tried to tell for help but another hand covered my mouth. I was dragged into a dark alley and slammed against the brick wall. I looked up, trying to identify my attacker. It was dark in the alley, but still just enough light to make out his face. As I looked up, my eyes locked with those of Jean Kirstein. On either side of the horse stood Reiner Braun and Bertholt Fübar.

I yelled for help again, and Jean smacked me. Right across the face.

"Keep quiet, and we'll go easy on ya." Reiner growled. Lies.

"You'll be fine, we're just teaching you a lesson for trying to manipulate Eren!" Said Bertholt. Also lies.

Screw it, keeping quiet or screaming isn't going to make it better or worse.

"HEL-" I tried to scream, but Jean threw me to the ground. I hit the cement hard and cried out in pain, which earned me a kick in the stomach from Reiner, who then yanked me back up by the front of my shirt and punched me in the nose. I whimpered, and got a knee between the legs. I cried, and a kick to my stomach. I curled up on the ground and let them do what they want. Bertholt's foot made contact with my already bleeding nose, and one of the others kicked me in the stomach once again.

As crazy as it sounds, I learned to just zone out whenever I get into situations like this, so that's what I did until they got bored with me and left. By then, everything was hurting. I tried to stand up, but felt pain shoot through my ankle and I fell back down with a yelp. I whimpered and spotted my phone on the ground a few feet away... It must've fallen out of my pocket... But more importantly, I had to call Eren.

I reached for my phone, the tips of my fingers grazed the edge.

"Eren..." I murmured, as if that would make him appear to help me.

If only I could reach it...


Eren's POV

I sat in my room, with my phone in hand as I waited anxiously for Armin to call. He had only been gone for half an hour and I already felt terribly lonely.

Then my phone lit up and a continuous buzz sounded. Armin's picture and name appeared on the screen. I swiped the screen as fast as I could to answer and held it up to my ear.

"Armin!" I said excitedly.

"E-Eren..." A weak voice answered. I felt my heart drop just from how sad my Armin sounded.

"Armin!? What's wrong!?" I asked frantically.

"Jean, Reiner and Bert..." I heard his sad, weak voice again and my heart dropped further.

No... They wouldn't...

"T-they found me walking back a-and... I need your help, you need to come get me... I'm in the alley on the c-corner of the street to my h-house..." I'll kill them... I felt the tears build up in my eyes. I shouldn't have let him go alone. I should've insisted I go with him.

"I'll be right there. Hang in there, baby."

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