Chapter 4

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Armin's POV

I talked to Mikasa the rest of the way to school.

"Do you want to come over after school today?" She asked

Mikasa was really nice. This wouldn't be a trick would it?

I happily agreed and took out my phone to text grandpa.

"Going home with a friend today! See you tonight!"

Mikasa smiled and said, "Awesome! I'll see you later!" I didn't even notice we were already at school until she stood up and got off the bus. I followed her. I also noticed Eren Jaeger was giving me weird looks, but I didn't think much of it. He was always giving me looks anyway, so I took off in a run to my first class, right after stopping at my locker of course.

However, after just the first couple minutes at my locker, someone came up behind me and closed it. I turned around, startled, and saw Eren.


Except he didn't do anything, he stared at me, like he was trying to figure what he should do. Then he mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't quite make out and walked away, with a shake of his head.


I opened my locker back up, grabbed the rest of my stuff and ran to my first class before the others showed up.


After school, Eren didn't even show up at my locker, neither did Jean, Reiner or Bert. But I knew exactly why. They all had detention for beating me up. So I was easily able to run out to my bus, and get in my seat with Mikasa.

When she saw me she laughed, "you seem really happy."

I didn't even realize how much I was smiling. I don't really get invited places, so I guess I was pretty excited.

"I guess I'm just excited that I finally have friend to hang out with."

Mikasa's smile suddenly faded. "You don't have friends?"

Oh great... I made her feel bad...

"Oh um... I have friends, their names are Sasha and Annie. We just don't ever get together."

Mikasa still had the same look on her face, but she nodded and replied with, "Right..."


Mikasa's house was really nice. It wasn't what I would call... Small. But it wasn't very big either. She showed me to the family room where we sat, watched tv and talked.

"So... You'll have to meet my brother."

"Okay. Where is he?" It didn't seem like anyone was home at the time.

"Well, he's in detention. He should be home in a couple hours though." She answered.

Mikasa's brother was in detention. I wonder if he knew Eren...

Hesitantly I said, "sorry to ask, but what for?"

Mikasa didn't seem to have a problem answering this. "He beat up some poor little boy."

How ironic.

Mikasa sighed, "but I think you and Eren will get along just fine."


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