Chapter 17

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A/N Whoops I forgot to Wattpad for a while. If you're still there then hiiii I'm sorry I left you! Aaaaaanyway, I started writing a crossover of Maximum Ride and Attack on Titan called Wings of Freedom so if you could check it out (even if you haven't read Maximum Ride) that'd be awesome! Thank you, I'll get going with this then...
         Eren's POV

       For three weeks I carried Armin's books between his classes. I was also able to keep Jean and the others away from him, but even they wouldn't beat up a kid on crutches! I don't know why I couldn't bring myself to end my friendship with them... Maybe it was that we had been inseparable since I moved to this school in 5th grade. The difference now, was that I would beat any of them to a pulp if they even mentioned hurting Armin. Even Reiner. In return, even though I insisted Armin never had to do anything for me, Armin decided he would become my tutor. My C in math went right up to a B+ just in that one month!
On our one month anniversary--which just so happened to be the day he got off his crutches, but that's irrelevant-- I took him back to the park where we had our first date. The only thing that had changed, was that the cherry blossoms no longer fell from the trees. They were instead replaced with "50 Shades of Green" leaves, (I came up with that. It was embarrassing but worth seeing Armin laugh so hard.) meaning summer was coming. Coming ever so slowly... But sure enough it was.
We were sitting under our tree with our picnic once again. Armin was seated between my legs with his back facing me as I braided his hair, which was really getting long! I loved it! He was eating a bag of gummy bears, I had learned that those were his favorite candy, so I bought them. He kept saying that I didn't have to buy him anything, but I could tell he was really excited to eat the whole bag... With help from me, of course. I was too lost in thought about what a cute boyfriend I had, that I didn't notice I when I had run out of hair to braid until my fingers raised up and must've tickled the back of neck, judging from the soft giggle I earned. I smiled and tied the ends of his hair and then turned him around to admire my work. The braid I had done pulled most of his hair away from his face, but left just a few strands out framing his face. I smiled and kissed his nose.
"You should have me do your hair more often!" I teased.
"I guess I should!" Armin laughed, "Especially since it's getting so much warmer out! That way I won't have to cut it for the summer!"
My eyes widened as I grabbed his shoulders, taking him by surprise he jumped. "You better not! I'll do your hair every single day if I have to!" I scolded. Seriously, you don't understand what happiness playing with that long, soft, blonde hair can bring to a person... I calmed down when I realized Armin was laughing and shaking his head.
"Calm down... Short hair doesn't look right on me anyway!"
Right there I thought it was Armin criticizing himself, and I don't like that. I just want him to see how perfect I think he is! So, my instinct was to make him feel good about himself. I thought that was just him being self-conscious... Again.
"I think any hairstyle would look perfect on you..."
"So are you saying I should cut my hair?"
It set in that he was teasing me and I playfully shoved him, causing him to fall on his side and laugh, then pull me down next to him. I moved Armin on to my chest, he rolled onto his stomach and we kissed. It wasn't just a quick, gentle kiss either. It was a real kiss. My arms were snug around his waist, and he had propped himself up on his elbows on either side of my head. Our lips moved in sync, and my hands went... Downwards. And for the first time ever, he didn't even try to stop me. It's not like anyone could see... We were pretty well concealed by the trees and bushes and other plants. It was pretty much perfect... Which a lot of things that day I labeled as perfect.
But it could never stay that way, now could it?
We were forced to break the kiss when we heard a 'click' along with a flash off to the side. I shot up to a sitting position so fast the Armin fell right off of me. He was staring at something and shaking in fear as his naturally pink cheeks turned completely white. When I looked where he was, I knew why. Reiner, Bertholt and Jean were all there, and Jean had his phone out and pointed at us. That bastard had taken a picture of us making out... I was on my feet running at them within a second. I went right passed Reiner and Bertholt and right into Jean. I reached for his phone as he held it above his head and out of my reach.
"DELETE IT RIGHT NOW!" I screamed at him while I repeatedly punched his chest.
"Sure..." Jean said and deleted the picture. I watched him delete it and checked the rest of his pictures just to be safe.
Well, that was easier than I expected... I still punched Jean in his stupid horse face one more time as hard as I could then yelled at all three of them to leave. They ran right back to Reiner's car and drove away, knowing how I would get when I was mad... As soon as I made sure they were gone, I ran back to Armin and knelt down by him. I gently wiped his tears away the hugged my sweet boyfriend tightly against my chest, where the tears I had just wiped away came right back. I held him and rubbed his back until he calmed down.
"Shh... It's okay, I took care of 'em... I told you I wouldn't let them get away with hurting you ever again..." I whispered and nuzzled my face into his soft blonde hair. I kept whispering other comforting things like that until he fell silent for a little while
"I love you..." I heard Armin's tiny voice say. I smiled and kissed his head.
"I love you too." I said and helped him stand up with me, but neither of us wanted to leave the other's arms. "Come on... We can go back to my house where we can cuddle without anyone else bothering us. You wanna do that?" He nodded, and I sensed a little smile even though his face was still hidden in my tee-shirt.
At my house, we had managed to make it up to my room without my mom stopping us. She really loved Armin, but knew to just leave me and him alone when he looked upset. I had explained that to her once when she freaked out after seeing one tear roll down Armin's cheek and then Armin being so shy, self-conscious, and incredibly embarrassed was crying for a whole new reason. This time, I could tell that she was hurt by seeing Armin so upset, but she managed to just smile and let us go.
Armin and I were squished in my little twin sized bed. He was curled up next to me with his head on my chest and I had my arm around him and my fingers running through his hair. We had both eventually relaxed and just laid still together. Armin had gotten on his phone at some point that I hadn't even noticed but his head never actually moved from my chest. It wasn't until I looked down to ask him if he wanted a snack or something that I noticed the way he was staring at his screen. His eyebrows were scrunched towards each other, his lips slightly parted and he looked like he might cry all over again, but was trying not to.
"What's wrong?" I asked. In response, he just handed me his phone. On the screen he had his Instagram open on the 'activity' tab. The whole thing was a spam from hundreds of people tagging him and commenting things like "ewww," and "gross..." I clicked on the picture they were on, and it brought me to Jean's page. And... It was the picture of us. I grabbed my phone and checked my own Instagram. The same things were coming up for me, plus there were more on the picture.
"Wtf... Gayyyyy."
"That's disgusting..."
"Ha! Is that Jaeger!?!?!?"
         "Yep. Eren Gayger"
I kept scrolling through them until I just powered my phone off, did the same to Armin's and put them both away. I hugged Armin, but had no words. I just those three and everyone else who even looked at that picture had better watch their backs...

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