Chapter 18

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A/N Just imagine Eremin singing a duet of the song above lol go ahead it'll be fun!!

Eren's POV

       Going back to school was so much different since that picture was posted. People would laugh whenever they saw me and/or Armin, they would point and laugh, call us all the name you can probably guess, and mat everyone just avoided us. I stopped even being near my old friends, but I was always plotting revenge... I just haven't decided how I wanted to ruin their lives yet... Armin was always quiet during class as well as between classes. He had always been quiet, but now he wasn't even speaking one word until we left. Then he would be his cute, cuddly self again so I wasn't too worried. I was still incredibly worried about him though. He refused PDA, but once we were alone, BAM we were all over each other... I won't go into detail.
       He had been doing so well with everything since the last time he cried seeing that post, so I was surprised when we were just silently laying in my bed with his head on my chest and he just broke down. It happened all at once, he let out a loud sob, the tears streamed down his face and he hid his face in my tee-shirt.
      "Armin? Hey, Ar, what is it?" I asked gently as I petted his soft hair. He hugged me tightly and his bright blue eyes peeked out from the already damp fabric.
      "T-The picture... It's ruining everything! People that used to be generally n-nice to me are even laughing whenever I pass now..!" He said. It sounded like he had a hard time saying just saying that, so I didn't push him to tell me anything else before I hugged him closer to my body than I thought possible and gently kissed his forehead.
      "Don't worry, Ar. I'm gonna take care of it, I promise... Just gotta come up with a plan!" I whispered reassuringly.
Armin's POV

{At school the next day}

Just get out and in quick... Out of Spanish and into Biology just like that. You'll be fine. 3... 2... 1... RIIIIIING!!!
I bolted out of my seat and out the door before anyone else could react.
Bio is a floor up, you better map this out well, Armin. I've got about thirty seconds before they catch up.
This was kind of my only form of exercise throughout the day, running to my next class so fast. It wasn't even me trying to get there on time, it was a method to avoid physical/mental pain for obvious reasons.
Why are people so slow!? This jock needs to not own the entire hallway!
By the time the hallways had cleared enough for me to pick up my pace, I knew it was too late. How? Well... The breathing right at the back of my neck gave me a hint. I'd recognize that disgusting smell anywhere...
"What now, Jean?" I mumbled and turned around to see him and his smirking friends. What made it worse, was that his only friends were no longer Reiner and Bert, but he had made some new friends since the unspeakable photo as well... I didn't even know all of their names, but I recognized Ymir from my biology class... We used to be lab partners, that traitor! I sighed and just prepared for what would come... "Alright, just get it over with." I saw a short red-headed girl take out her phone and hold it up, probably to record before it all went to hell
"Accepted your fate, huh blondie?"
"No. If I don't fight it'll end sooner and eventually be stopped completely."
"That's the dumbest excuse I've ever heard..." A single push sent the blonde boy tumbling to the ground and into the lockers, "I think I'd be easier just admitting to being weak." A kick to his stomach. It looks and sounds terrible, but he's undergone so much worse... This barely even hurt.
The crowd joined in, calling him names like "stupid" "gay" "dumbass" "ugly." They would shoot him down with bullets that said "Go to hell" "Go cry to your stupid boyfriend," "get a haircut" and one that really stung, "what are you even? A boy or a girl?" The blonde boy didn't know why that one stuck so much, but it hurt more than the rest. He hated when people commented on his looks... Sure, he was a little late in hitting puberty, and he liked his hair a bit longer than most boys, but that shouldn't change anything... Should it?

I watched as the video ended with the sound of other people's laughter and my own ugly sobs. Well, at least someone achieved happiness out of this. I shut my phone of and put it screen down next to my bed then then laid on my back under the covers. After that whole scene had ended, I had mustered the courage to get back up on my feet and leave the school. I didn't go to biology, I didn't go to the office to check out, I didn't even tell Eren I was leaving. I just got up and walked right out the doors before anyone could stop me and ran all the way home to curl up in my room with ice on my stomach and face. The video had already somehow been uploaded to multiple social media before I even got to my front porch. It actually bothered me that they didn't even wait until they got home to put it up...
I was about to fall asleep and take just a couple hours nape when I heard the ding meaning I had gotten and text and grabbed my phone.
From: Eren
Hey, it's lunch time... Where r u?

I smiled and wiped away the tears that were starting to build up in my eyes before I answered him with the best lie I could come up with at the time.

To: Eren
I went home sick. Sorry I forgot to tell you <3

From: Eren
Awww... Ok I understand want me to come ovr after school?

To: Eren
Please do

From: Eren
Alright, I'll be there asap! ily <3

To: Eren
I love you too, dork <3

I decided to leave our conversation at that and returned to my nap until he would arrive... Oh how I needed his arms.

A/N again

Wait 10k reads when and why did that happen?
Well um
Thanks have some celebratory kittens 🐱😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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