Chapter 10

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Eren's POV

After the encounter with Jean, I rushed Armin to lunch and sat at an empty table with him. I noticed Reiner and Bert staring at me, probably thinking, "What's Jaeger doing with blondie? Is he insane? I bet he's teasing little Arlert or something!"

I'm starting to realize what idiots my friends are... And I am too...

Armin didn't say much at all the whole lunch period... And that worried me. It was probably what happened with Jean still bugging him... I wasn't really sure he was even listening to me. He seemed spaced out and even a little uncomfortable.



"Are you okay?"

"Uh huh..."

That was basically all the conversation we had the whole period. But luckily, we had science next... The only class Armin wasn't in an honors for.


Okay it gets even better... In science, we started an experiment... And guess who I got paired with!?


Not only would he HAVE to talk to me for the first time since...Like... Lunch... But I might actually get a GOOD GRADE!

We were at our table, with all our chemicals and other sciency shit that I don't know shit about, when Armin turned to me with an odd look on his face and mumbled, "why don't you have your goggles on?"

"Oh right!" I exclaimed and quickly put the ugly things on. Armin nodded and turned back to his work.

The goggles were ugly... But I swear Armin could make anything work... The goggles made his already big blue eyes, BIGGER! So it was easy to examine every single detail in them. The way whatever he focused on, reflected beautifully in the ocean blue and the way they lit of when there was a chemical reaction or whatever happens in science.

He must've noticed me staring, because he blushed and whispered, "do you need help?"

I didn't even realize I was staring for that long... I nodded and he scooted closer to me, he guided my hands showing me which viles to mix with which... Wait when did we start chemistry in this class!? I need to pay attention more...


We got an B- on that project! Minus... Because I dropped something, spilled all its contents, broke its container, and we had to evacuate the room...

Armin saved us with his brains though!

I literally wanted to celebrate...

"Armin, do you wanna come over later?" I asked my little blonde friend on the way to the bus.

He hesitated, "oh um... I would love to but uh... I have... A lot of studying... Yeah a lot of studying and homework tonight..."

He didn't seem too sure, but I decided it was a fair enough reason. We boarded the bus, Armin got off first, and then I was alone.

Armin's POV

Truthfully... I could've gone over to Eren's, but Jean...

The scene replayed in my mind, it almost seemed in slow motion.

Jean lifting my up by my collar, glaring at me and raising his fist... Eren was already pushing through the crowd, I saw him, and so did Jean. Jean got really close to my face and growled, "Eren's not you're friend... He's just using you, how can you not see it? He's-"

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