[Prologue] - Heaven

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I saw heaven.

Some people asked me how and to describe it. Others found it hard to believe and thought I was making it up. But truthfully, I did see heaven. I didn't know how I got there or even how long I was there. Now some people asked me how did I know that I saw heaven. I guess it was something that I knew right away when I got there.

I felt that warm glow all over my body. It was a warmth that couldn't be created by ordinary heat. It was the kind of warmth that uplifted and embraced me. I felt free and untouchable. The sun was shining incredibly bright, but my eyes weren't blinded. For some reason, those intense rays made my vision much clearer.

As I walked around, my sight was overwhelmed by a large stream of colors. There were many variations of blues, reds, yellows, greens, purples, and everything in between. Flowers were in full bloom around me and birds were chirping happily. The air felt so light and clean, making it so much easier for me to breathe. I could even smell the fresh pine leaves and the aroma of sweet flowers. I didn't think a place like this could ever exist.

Now the next question many people had asked me was if I saw God. Technically, I didn't remember seeing anyone. When I continued to look around my surroundings, I didn't see another person. I thought I was the only one here. But then I did distinctly remember seeing a bright figure glaring in the distance. That energy and mysterious frequencies attracted me to come closer. I slowly walked forward and held out my hand, wanting to touch this unusual figure.

Instantly, I saw a hand gracefully extended out to me. I looked up, but I still couldn't see anything beyond the fascinating glow. I could sense that this hand was more masculine than feminine. At first, I was quite hesitant to touch it, but then I heard a voice.


I didn't understand it. I wasn't sure why this figure wanted me to come with it.


It was a deep voice. I knew it was a male's voice. But where did this person want to take me. And why?

"Come with me."

When I squinted my eyes a bit, I could see dark hair peering out of the intense light. Just below it, the shadows and contours of his face appeared. The closer I looked, the more uncertain I became. All of his facial features became much clearer, but I couldn't see his eyes. They were still blinded by the strong light rays, obstructing my vision. Still, the male figure held out his hand, gesturing me to come.

"Come with me."

At that moment, I realized that he wanted me to step over to the light. He wanted me to pass through to the other side.

I thought to myself, "This is my time. This is my destiny."

I had already accepted my fate. I was going to be embraced by God and be taken under his wing to paradise. Even if I wanted to turn back, I didn't know how.

I finally touched his hand and firmly grabbed hold of it. That initial spark energized my entire body, as if I never had attained this kind of strength before. Again, I looked up at the male figure and saw a sincere smile. I felt more confused than reassured. I didn't know why he smiled that way. Nonetheless, I was still comforted by the warmth and serenity of this mysterious figure. That was when I smiled, too. I smiled with the pure joy and happiness that I had never truly experienced before.

But then I heard loud rumbles behind me. I looked behind and saw the paradise that I began to enjoy, being overtaken by a glooming shadow. Everything was losing its life and its vibrant colors. The pine trees shriveled into dark sticks and the flowers wilted to a colorless nature. Even the birds fell to the ground and lost their songful tune. The ground was shaking violently and I could sense it breaking right under me.

I anxiously looked up to the bright male figure, and even he was being consumed by darkness. I panicked and held tightly onto his hand, but then the ground began to crumble right below my feet. One by one, the pieces broke under me, as if I were about to slip off of a cliff. Without warning, that entire cliff-like structure collapsed under me, and now I was hanging on for dear life. After I looked down to see a blackhole sucking all of life away, I kicked and screamed for mercy.

I looked back up to the bright male figure and pleaded him to save me.

"God, please help me!"

He continued to stand there with a rigid stance. I kept begging him with words and screamed with tears flowing out of my eyes. But I never understood why he didn't save me. At that very instance, I was angry with him. I thought he was going to let me die.

Suddenly, I couldn't feel my feet anymore. It felt incredibly numb and frozen. That icing feeling spread to my legs. I looked down and saw my body slowly looking pale. I was losing feeling to all parts of my body. My body weight became heavy and I couldn't hold on to his hand much longer. I looked up again and saw my hand losing color and strength.

I screamed out one last time.

"God, please save me!!!"

That very second, I could see that same sincere smile on the male's face. I felt his grip tightening onto my hand, but it was too late. I couldn't feel anything anymore. The last thing I felt was my body slowly falling into the pit of darkness and saw the last bit of the bright male figure before my vision became black.




That was all I could see.

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