[16] Race

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I heard a loud knock on my bedroom window.

"Hey, Jungkook! It's me!" Taehyung shouted through my window as he waved at me.

I sat up and rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes. And there I saw him, plain as day, with the most exuberant smile that I'd seen so far from him. Every time I saw him, I had to remind myself that he had orange hair because I kept seeing him as a kid that age quickly. I began to get out of bed and then checked the time on my phone. I am shocked that it was already 6:05 AM and checked to see why my alarm didn't go off at 5:30 AM. But of course, my dumb ass accidentally set it for 5:30 PM. Sometimes technology failed me or I failed it.

I walked towards the window and opened it to communicate with Taehyung.

"Taehyung... How on earth did you get up here?" I asked with bewilderment. "My room is on the second floor!"

He let out a heartening laugh. "I know the way to get up here. Besides, it was you that found the way."

I looked out and saw him standing on a small roof. I scanned around the area and noticed a big tree planted on the left side of the house. I didn't remember any sort of path I created to get to my bedroom. Maybe it was one memory that I'd forgotten.

"I'm assuming that you climbed that tree there and walked on this small roof to reach my bedroom window," I spoke with an inquisitive look.

"Yep, that's right." He nodded. "There was one time that you were sneaking out of your window and you fell off the roof because of a shingle that broke off."

"Huh..." I was puzzled. "I can't remember any of that, let alone of this secret path to my bedroom. Why were we using this?"

Taehyung paused for a moment. He licked his lips and grinned with such a bright, sweet smile. I'd must admit; his smile was really beautiful. It gave me a sense of security and warmth.

"You snuck out to hang out with me... like quite often. I even snuck in a couple of times, too."

"Really?" I was dumbfounded. "I can't even remember a single time."

"Don't worry, Jungkook." Taehyung patted me on my shoulder. "I'm sure things will come back to you slowly."

His hand was still on my shoulder. It was a familiar touch that just came to my mind. After pondering through my memories, it suddenly hit me. The day that we truly became friends.

"Anyways, you're late so hop up, let's get going!" Taehyung shouted but in a playful manner.

"Alright, alright... let me change into something."

I turned to my dresser and took out a simple T-shirt and athletic shorts. When I pulled off my sleeping shirt, I noticed in the corner of my eye that Taehyung was staring at me. In that brief second, his smile was delicate and soft and his eyes were gleaming with compassion. When he noticed that I was peaking back at him, he cleared his throat and turned the other way.

"Okay, I'll meet you down here, then." He responded.

I quickly wore my shirt, put on my shorts and ran downstairs to put on my running shoes. When I exited from the front door, I saw Taehyung look up at the sky and then turning around when he heard my presence. He had somewhat of an embarrassing expression on his face, but I didn't know why he would feel this way.

"Hey there, partner." He spoke in a cowboy accident. 

"Hey," I replied back.

"Alright, we're gonna start with a jog to the beach!" Taehyung happily suggested.

My eyes widened to that suggestion. "But the beach is about five miles from here..."

"And?" He shrugged his shoulders. "You've done this with me before. And I have to admit that you were the better jogger. I'm like the Flash, so I just use like all of my energy at once to sprint my way there. Who knew that I would get tired in just a mile?"

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