[18] Forgotten

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Now that I'd gotten back into shape, I was ready to resume my Kendo training. Taehyung and I had been doing our core and strength training starting at 6 AM every day for the past week. We trained at the beach, training facility, and even a little of both on the same day. I did have some challenges along the way due to some parts of my body still recovering from the accident. My shoulders and neck hurt the most. There was that bruise at the back of my head that was still tender. On top of that, I applied lots of pressure and weight in that area, so it sure didn't help with the healing process. I could sure use a massage or go through physical therapy again to release the tension.

As usual, I woke up 30 minutes before the crack of dawn. I was getting used to this training schedule where I expect to find Taehyung right outside my house at least ten minutes prior. After I changed into my workout clothes, I peered over to my window and noticed that he wasn't there. He must be running late today, so I waited by putting on music and began doing push-ups. Once it was exactly 6 AM, I looked out the window again and still didn't see him. I gave it another five minutes, but he wasn't there. I became concerned and decided to head out of the house.

I figured that I would run into him if I started my daily jog around the neighborhood. I started steady and slow, pacing myself before the more rigorous workout. After about 15 minutes in, I still hadn't seen Taehyung. Although I'd known him for a few weeks, it was very odd for him to be this late or miss out on our workout sessions. Even if I wanted to find him, I had no clue where he lived. He might have lived fairly close to me since he was always able to come by my place so instantly. I continued my job and decided to venture down side streets into neighborhoods that I'd never been in before.

Summer was about to come to an end. However, this kind of heat and humidity would continue until the end of September. Summer was my favorite season, but not when it was this sticky, heavy and humid. My next favorite season is fall and I couldn't wait to wear some of my favorite leather jackets and acid-washed black jeans. As I jogged with those thoughts in my head, I envisioned the area around me changed into warm, fall-like colors with the trees changed in season and the houses decorated with fall decor. Then, my mind went back to a memory that brought this whole scene together.

I saw the back of a young male. He had dark hair and around the same height as me. My hand was in his as he was guiding me down this street. When he turned his head towards mine, I realized it was Taehyung with that bright, cheerful smile. I sensed my heart beating heavy again. Then he pulled me closer to him and now I was walking beside him. I sensed he laced his fingers within mine. My heart skipped a beat and it felt heavier than before. I could feel my cheeks becoming warm after he beamed his happy expression towards me. Then he stopped in place and faced towards a house that had so many colorful flowers planted in the yard and potted ones that decorated the front entrance. I looked back at Taehyung and watched him speak as he pointed at the house.

"This is me. Now you know where to find me!"

When I blinked, I realized I was standing right in front of that same house. This time, I couldn't see the colorful flowers. I couldn't see that warm glow of the fall colors. Even during this early sunrise, all I saw was a plain house that the light was creeping on. There weren't as many potted plants from the memory either. Although it may have looked different from the memory, could this really be Taehyung's house?

I stood there for a few moments like a stalker. I had no idea what to do now. If this were Taehyung's house, do I take the chance to knock on the door and find out? A part of me really wanted to know, but the other part of me was scared. Not exactly scared that I was going to get the wrong house, but scared of knowing who exactly was taking care of him here in Korea when my father couldn't.

Come on, Jungkook. What do you have to lose, honestly?

That voice in my head sounded like Taehyung. Now I was beginning to imagine him talking to me when he wasn't here? I believe I was going a bit crazy here, but my gut was telling me to get my ass to that door and find out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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