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One-word prompt from rangerangel

Gilan watched from the shadows as Will was surrounded by his friends, his family. He smiled at the spark in the younger man's eyes, at the look of utter disbelief and pride. The silver oakleaf shone bright from his neck, the symbol that the boy had strived for for five years.

Despite himself, tears suddenly pricked at the corners of his eyes. He still remembered the first time he'd met the boy, the time when Will had foiled his plans in surprising Halt. Since then, Will had become an integral part of his life, like a little brother to him.

And he remembered the horror and guilt that had plagued him when Horace had returned alone, and the overwhelming relief when all four of them had returned alive. Battered and kicked, but alive. Will hadn't been the same then, haunted by the coldness that had followed him all the way home. Gilan still had the letters that Halt had sent him, asking him to stop by.

He moved forward until he was facing Will. The younger man turned to him with a bemused smile. "Congratulations," Gilan said quietly. "You deserve this, Will."

He held out a hand. Will stepped forward, ignoring his gesture and instead throwing his arms around the tall Ranger. Gilan stiffened with surprise, and then returned the hug, holding the younger man tight.

"Thank you," Will whispered. "For everything."

Gilan nodded, tightening his grip just for a moment. "Don't mention it," he said, his voice rough.

Will leaned back, his hands still on his brother's shoulders, and the two of them simply smiled at one another, unable to say anything more.

I love the Horace and Will interaction at the end of Erak's Ransom, but I wanted to see a moment between Gilan and Will, too :)
- Sylvar

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