Chapter 6.

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FYI I made up a character named Cora

Last night I felt freeing with y/n I know I've been with other women, at some point probably with a man too. She knew exactly what to do. It's like she's been studying me my whole life. Maybe she was, maybe she did have a thing for me back then. What if she does now? I mean this didn't feel like just a one night stand. It felt like more than just us two tangled in the sheets. I could feel my heart pounding, non-stopping. Everytime I looked at her or just envisioned her in my head, I felt something, some say it might perhaps be love. I never wanted to feel that. Love could destroy and yet it's glorified. I mean I am pretty much destroyed for the rest of my life. If she did love me, why wouldn't she say anything? Why did she get with other guys in school?

"Hey I'm leaving to make a few deals, don't wait for me." I said leaving. "Stay safe." y/n said. She hugged me goodbye. Me and some of my goons got in the van and drove off. We arrived at an abandoned apartment complex. We prepared ourselves and walked in. "Boss, are you sure about this? Don't you think y/n will I be upset?" Frankie said. "Frank, you're lucky you're my right hand man or I'd put a bullet in that big mouth, but no she shouldn't be because we're not a thing." I said stopping him. All of a sudden I felt anxious. What if she did get upset? I mean does she really love me? We're not a "thing" I mean yeah she did say she loved me after that night but she probably meant like a friend. I'm not falling for it again, I thought she actually did back then, to think I humiliated myself for love. "Mister J?" Cora asked? I was cut off from my thoughts from Cora's flirty tone. She walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "What are you doing? We're not even on the job yet." I said pushing her away from me. She fell back on the floor. "I know, it's just good practice." She got up, putting her sl*tty hands on my chest. "Keep this professional Cora." I said, throwing her hands in disgust. She just couldn't get the hint. I hated her for that but I have to work with her if I'm going to catch Batman. Batsy was in love with Cora, so I had to make him weak.


While I waited for J, even though he said not to, I decided to make us dinner. It was just going to be simple, rotisserie chicken with some sweet corn and potatoes. I just wanted to return the favor and sort of make it turn into a date. I realized I want to be with Jack. Yes he was a megalomaniac and the clown prince of crime, but I've known him for years. Everything he's been through should've never happened. He didn't deserve it, all that turned him into what he is now, the Joker. I was in love and I could see in his eyes that he was too. I could feel his heart pounding out of his chest the other night. I know it might be because he was worn out but it felt like love. While the chicken and the rest of the food was in the oven, I went upstairs and got ready. I took a quick shower, after I got out I did my makeup and hair. I walked over to my closet and dressed myself in something a bit extra. Not too much but something nice. The food wasn't done so I turned on the tv and channel surfed until I stopped. The news, there he was on the news, with another woman in his arms. He kissed her. My heart dropped down. I felt like ripping my heart out. I got up and just walked outside. Tears were streaming down my face. I just kept walking, I didn't look back. I didn't take my phone or anything with me. Why? Why would he even touch her? He's in love with me. He wants me, only me. Why would he make me feel so loved and special if he was just going to use me. He has other whores for that. No, why was I saying this. We're not even together. Why am I getting so jealous? Why did I feel like running away and never see him again? None of this felt right. I took off my heels and left them by a bench. I thought about going back. I couldn't. I couldn't look him in the eye. I could tell my face looked embarrassed. I just kept walking. Losing myself in the forest.


I held Cora in my arms and kissed her to distract Batman, but instead we caught Gothams news reporter. "Joker's new lover? Is she the new Harely Quinn? This could actually be sinister love people." The news anchor said. "Fuck, get off of me." I said pushing Cora away as I saw Batman running towards me. I tried to shoot him right in the mouth but Cora got in the way. I shot her right in the back and Batsy just vanished. " You st*pid, idiotic wh*re!" I yelled at Cora grabbing her by the neck and dragging her. "Please J I'm sorry!" She pleaded as we got near the edge of the building. " You know, if Batsy ever gave two sh*ts about you, he would've saved you!" I said throwing her off the building. I shot her one more time as she hit the ground. "Pathetic." I said under my breath. Me and the rest of my goons ran from the cops until we lost them. We reached the house and I walked in to see a smoke and a burnt chicken on the table. "Well what the hell happened here?" I asked one of my goons. "Well it seems Ms. y/n was cooking and then she just left it here. I tried looking for her but I couldn't find her, not even downstairs." My goon said, shrugging. Well shit. I saw the TV left on and what was playing was the news, talking about me and Cora. "You three go search the city, me and Frankie will search the forest." I said signaling with my gun.


Me and Frankie searched every inch of the path to the forest. "Boss I found something!" Frankie said. I ran to him. He was standing next to a bench, holding y/n heels in his hand. "Those are the heels I gave to y/n." I said. "She couldn't take them and sell them? They cost millions!" I said, throwing my arms in the air. I mean she's got to think smarter if she's going to run away from me. "Why don't you go take these back get one of the search dogs and have it smell y/n out." I told Frankie. He nodded and ran back to the house. I kept on searching, I didn't care what would happen to me. I loved her, she's the love of my life, I can't lose her.

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