Making Pie For Mama

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"Anya! Where are you?!" Twilight exclaimed nervously. 

He had just come home from a long day of 'work' and his pink-haired daughter was nowhere to be found. He had checked her bed, the living room, his room... Basically all around the house. He was starting to get anxious and called out a little louder. 

"Anya! This is not a joke! Where are you?!" 

Twilight could only hope that she had not been kidnapped again. He did not want to have to move houses again, besides, it would be a pain to explain to Yor...

"Anya! ANYA!" 

Little by little, his shouts got more urgent, his pulse quickened, his eyes moved frantically around. It had been 10 minutes since he started looking for her. Where was she? 

Just as he was turning around to call Frankie, he heard a small voice call out. 


Half surprised, half relieved, Twilight turned towards the source of the sound. 



The voice grew louder as Twilight closed in on the sound. He was led to the kitchen where he saw bowls full of eggs and flour and a hand-mixer plugged into an outlet. 

"Papa!" Anya's voice came from the pantry. Twilight took swift steps to the pantry and attempted to open the door, only to realize that it was jammed. 

Repeatedly pulling on the handle, he tried to pry open the door without breaking it down. Unfortunately, Lady Luck was not on his side. Groaning inwardly he called out to Anya, still stuck inside the pantry. 

"I'm going to break the door! Close your eyes so that the dust doesn't fall in!" 

After hearing a sound in agreement, he grabbed the handle with two hands and swiftly pulled the door off of its hinges. A crack sounded before he was immediately attacked by a small, pink-haired girl. 

"PAPA!!" Anya cried as she went in to hug her father. Twilight put down the door and gently hugged the fragile girl back. She was crying her big tears again. Big tears that soaked his shirt. 

"Are you ok Anya?" He asked cautiously, his hand reaching out to pet the little girl on her head. Anya nodded, still sniffling, before looking back up to her father. 



"Sorry..." Anya's voice trembled as she apologized. Twilight shook his head. If things were like this the neighbors would suspect that he was not a good father...

"No worries. I'm glad you're ok," Twilight replied with a bright smile, "What were you doing in the pantry anyway? I thought you were supposed to study?" 

"Ahh. That."


"..." Anya looked down at her hands, "I was trying to bake a pie, for Mama." 


"Yeah! She's always coming home tired and I wanted to surprise her!" 


What a stupid reason. 

"Whaaaaat. It's not a stupid reason!!" Anya exclaimed.

"I didn't say anything." 

"Oh, but you inflied it." 

Twilight sighed.

"Implied, Anya."


Another sigh, "Do you... want me to help?"

Anya's face lit up at those words, and she nodded eagerly. Her pink hair bounced up and down lightly and her eyes sparkled their emerald green. 

"Very well," Twilight rolled up his sleeves, "First you...


"I'm home!" Yor's voice rang through the house. 

"Welcome back, Mama!!" Anya said excitedly. She was giggling in glee and pulled her Mama to the dinner table hurriedly, "We made dinner so lets hurry and eat!"

"Correction, I made dinner," Loid said with a stern tone, "You just ate the peanuts off the salad."


Yor laughed at their antics, already used to the amusing banter. Sitting down, they talked as they enjoyed the delicious meal before them. 

When all the plates had been cleaned, Loid came out with a surprise. 

"Mama! We made pie for you!" Anya jumped up and down, "I got stuck in the pantry but we managed to make it just in time!" 

"It's an apple pie," Loid said gently, "Anya's been telling me that you have been coming home tired lately, and we wanted to give you a surprise. Hope you don't mind the sweetness." 

"Oh no!" Yor exclaimed, "I love sweet stuff, can I really eat this?" 

"I made it for you Mama! Of course you can have it!"

Yor felt a warm tingle in her chest as she smiled at the beaming Anya. She was glad that they went so far as to do this for her. She had indeed been having a rough day at 'work' and this was just what she needed. 

She said her thanks, and took a piece of the pie. The smell of freshly baked apples filled her nostrils.

It wasn't perfect, but it had a certain homey taste to it. Like it was made with love and care. And, to her astonishment, she found a rose petal from with in the pie. 

"The rose petal heightens the taste and the smell," Loid explained, "We thought you would like it since you do like roses." 

"Oh I love them! I love this pie even more!"

"YAYYY. Mama liked the pie!!" 

"Yeah, that's great isn't it." 

The family laughed together. 

In that moment, in that time, in each others presence. They may not have been the perfectly normal family, but they were indeed, the perfect family. 

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