Moving On

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So, I procrastinated. I promised myself only 1 week rest. And look at this! It's been a month! It's a bit messy but I managed to publish a one shot.

This was a request by @TorshaSammy . I'm not sure if they wanted this, but it's going to be a little angst cause I was feeling sad.

In this one, Yor and Loid are childhood friends that have been together for ages. They went to Eden Academy together and stuff.

Enjoy! <3


"Looooiiidd....." Yor mumbled with tears in her eyes, "I, I, got a tornitus bolt..."

"What?! Oh, gosh... Umm..." Loid frantically started fretting over the little girl, "Uh, uh, I'll show you a magic trick!"

Yor sniffled and looked up at him. Loid held out his hand, gesturing towards the bolt. Yor hesitantly gave it too him. Loid pulled out the handkerchief he carried with him at all times and placed it over the bolt.

"Now, I'm going to count to three and the bolt will be replaced with a star!" Loid exclaimed overly excitedly.

"??? Really??" Yor asked, genuinely confused.

"Yes, yes! Ready?"




Swiftly taking off the handkerchief he showed her the bolt, now turned to stella star, to her.

"OMG! IT ACTUALLY WORKED!" Yor squealed.

"Of course it did."

"Oh thank you, thank you so much Loid!" Yor exclaimed as she grabbed his hand.

"Yeah no problem," Loid smiled, his grip tightening on the bolt that he had replaced for his own star, "Anything for you."


"Hey, Yor," Loid smiled at his long time best friend. 

"Loid! Hey!" Yor replied back with twice as much energy. She was always happy to see Loid.

"You wanna go out to get some food later?" Loid asked nonchalantly. 

Ignoring the gasps of her other friends she nodded enthusiastically. She knew that what they had was more than just friends, but what if he thought otherwise. The pain of rejection is something she probably couldn't bear. 

"Alright I'll see you at Dave's tonight." 

"Yeah! I'll see you." But she could keep those emotions hidden for a while. Keep herself hopelessly in love with him. That was enough to satisfy her. 



"Today is the day huh?" Yor said, with her gentle smile.

"Yeah," Loid replied. 

"Do you have any regrets?" 

"Just one."



The silence enveloped them like sebastion the crab singing kiss the girl. Loid's hand creeped into his pocket where he had a necklace he was planning to give to Yor. It was now or never, they were going to different colleges and it was already graduation. He silently swore his old self for being satisfied with just being friends. Now he had to deal with it. 

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