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The second after i shut the door, all the looks are on me. I sit like a kid after she did something bad.

"Are you okay ?" asks Nick

"Yeah, i'm good..." i nervously play with my fingers

"What's the medication for ?" continues Chris

"Are you dying or something ?" says Matt in a way too direct way

"MATT ! Don't say that !" yells Nick 

"Well...i'm not dying, not that i know of" i look at my hands then lift up my head "If i tell you what my medication about, please don't change your attitude with me. Most of the people i tell about my disorder either start treating me like a baby or treat me like i'm a weirdo"

"Well, we are not like most of the people..." says Chris "We won't judge you or anything"

"Thanks guys..." i smile at them "Ok so i have ADHD which is basically attention deficit and hyperactivity. I'm on medication but i don't take it so often...that's not dangerous for me"

"Ok, that's ok. We are ok with that" add Matt and they all nod in agreement

"Anyways, who was that Cindy girl ? She is such a bitch !" claim Chris which makes me laugh

"I know right ! She is my "friend" and she used to be my best friend in middle school and now she is one of the reason i hate school"

"Really ? Spill the tea, she seems really mean" says Nick

"Well, she is. She was such a good best friend in middle school and then she decided to date my guy best friend, Benji, which is still my best friend today but Benji decided to end their relationship because Cindy was super jealous of me and my friendship with Benjamin...And now i think she hates me so that's why she bully me everyday. I really try to be kind to her because i do feel bad for what happened with Benji but she still makes jokes about me or my medication"

"Damn, she really is a bitch !" exclaim Nick

"Your life is literally a Disney Channel movie" says Matt

"I guess so..." i giggle "Anyways...you guys tell me about your friends and family !"


We finally decided to drive through McDonalds cause we were hungry so we still in the car. I ordered a large fries and a cheeseburger with a medium ice tea (literally nobody asked but anyways). We are all eating and chatting in the car when i receive a FaceTime from Benji. I pick up the call.

"Who is it ?" asks Chris, literally violating my privacy

"My best friend, Benjamin" i answer "Hi BJ!"

"Where are you, Ivy ? I'm at your's" BJ asks

"Why is he shirtless ?" asks Nick giving a suspicious look at my phone

"Yeah, why are you shirtless in my house ?" i say, noticing that he has no shirt on "Dress up, dude. I'm not alone..."

"Who is with you ?"

"The triplets...but why are you naked bro ?"

"I'm changing...today is sleepover night ! Remember..." my jaw drops

"Holy shit, i forgot about that ! Are you going right now ?" i ask

"Yeah, it's at Cindy's house, this week" he makes a pause to analyse my reaction "Are you going ?" Benji continues

"Oh bruh, really ? I'll come but i'll be late"

"By the way, Cindy send me a message about you" he makes another pause to put a shirt on "She told me she passed to the Walmart and she saw you with a guy and apparently you guys were really close..." Nick, Matt and I have an eye contact

"Yeah, that was Chris...one of the triplets, he wanted to try the cash register, it was literally nothing. Cindy is being so dramatic !" i respond

"Hum...yeah, we'll talk about that later anyway...Anyways, i gotta go ! But just know that everyone is going even Bella so don't be a sissy and come"

"I will, i promise !" i blow kisses "Bye BJ"

He hang up. After an awkward silence, Nick finally speak up.

"Ok so, first of all, your "bestie" is super cute, second of all, why is this Cindy bitch talking shit about you and third of all who is Bella and what's sleepover night ?"

"Wait...that a lot of questions at once !"

"You must not answer...it's none of our business" says Chris glaring at Nick

"Facts !" adds Matt eating his fries unbothered

"Well, we actually barely know each other so asking a lot of questions is okay for me. So first of all, thanks for calling my best friend cute, second of all, i still don't know why Cindy so obsessed with me and sleepover night is a sleepover that we do weekly in our friend group" i make a quick pause to finish my fries "So basically in our friend group there are 5 boys 5 girls, the boys : Benji, Sam, James, Mike and John, they play lacrosse and the girls : Cindy, Emma and Olivia do cheerleading and me and Bella we run track. And on Monday mornings in our high school, there is general training so we all go to that "class" and then we decided that every Sunday nights, we make a sleepover so we can go all together to that class"

"That's a super cool idea !" says Chris

"It's giving popular kids" declare Matt

"I know right ! But anyways, so Bella is one i prefer in our group since we run track together, she is super cool and sweet and she doesn't make fun of me like Cindy or Emma...But like Bella lives far away from everyone's house so she is almost never there at sleepovers and like Bella and Olivia are best friends and Emma and Cindy are too and i'm not so friend with Olivia so when Bella don't go, i don't go also, cause i know i'm not gonna fit in. My group of friends is shit actually"

"Bro, your life is so complicated...i didn't get a single word of what you said" answers Matt continuing to eat

"That's literally cause you didn't pay attention..." answers back Chris

"It's okay, i can't pay attention either, i can't blame him" i say munching my fries

We ended up our little day together with Nick's storytimes and hate speech on birds.


I passed through my house to shower, put my stuff in a back pack and put my pyjamas on then i went to Cindy's. I knock at the door after i checked the time on my phone : 10:14pm. I'm one hour late but anyways. The door opens...


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