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"Not those cringey YouTubers again..." Emma rolls her eyes

"Don't talk about them like that !" i rise my voice

"Yeah, Emma don't talk about her boyfriends like that, she gonna get pissed" Cindy makes fun of me

"If you're talking, you've watched their videos...you're such a fan, Emma"

"LOL, i haven't-"

"Then shut the fuck up" i interrupt her "You don't know them"

"Yo chill...don't talk to her like that" Cindy starts

"Girls, don't start..." says Mike

"I'm not the one starting ! She always talk shit about any people i talk to besides of you guys. I don't know if she is jealous or something" i roll my eyes

"Lol ! I am not jealous at all, i have friends  but they are just not cringey like yours" she looks at me with disgust

"Oh, are you talking about your friends that do drugs, are way older than you, have a bad influence on you, borrow you a lot of money and that your parents don't know about ? Those ones ?" i continue

"Facts !" says Sam before getting shushed by the boys

"Alright, i'm leaving" declares Emma, standing up and gathering her stuff

"Stay Emma, what the fuck" says Cindy standing up too "Don't let her win"

"I think she won already" adds James

"Guys let's not take sides" says Benjamin standing up also "Emma, it's too dark outside you're not leaving this house"

"Well, you can drive me home, your car is parked outside..." she with an underhanded look

"While you guys are deciding, i'm going to the kitchen...Anyone wants something ?" i ask as i am standing up to leave

"Beers and coke, miss" says Mike, winking at me

"Anything for you, Mikey" i wink back and enter the kitchen

I serve myself a glass a water and get my pills box out of the kitchen drawer. I take one out and put it my mouth before i chug the water. As i finish my water, Benji enters the kitchen. He looks at me for a second, leaving an awkward silence

"Why did you talk to her like that ?" he starts

"What do you mean by «like that» ? The only thing i said was the truth" i protest

"Why did you said that about her friends ?  She is sensitive about that" he continues

"Oh cause i am not sensitive about that ? She started talking about my friends" i say

"You know the triplets for one month maximum, she knows her friend for more than half a year. And she just said that they were cringey, you said way more"

"So what ? Yes she just said they were cringey but she does this all the time. To literally ever person i talk to she is always like: «omg they are so cringe» «omg they are such nerds» «you only hang out with them and not us anymore» like she even fucking cares or «they hang out with you for money» «they hang out with you just because they wanna fuck» like her friends are not literally doing the same with her !" i raise my voice "Do you know how many people, i stopped hanging out with or stopped talking to me because of her and Cindy ? I don't want to ruin my friendship with the triplets...are you gonna blame me for that ?"

"Can you chill ? You're talking about the triplets like they are your best friends. You can get that some of us are kind of tired of you talking about them all the time" he says, sounding like a reproach

"You gotta be kidding...you know perfectly well that you are my best friend and that i'll never put the triplets above you. Especially when i am not the one taking the side of two girls against my best friend. I never thought you would prefer Emma and Cindy over me" i give him a disappointed look

"I am not taking their side and you know that they are not just «girls» ! I'm just saying that-"

He is interrupted by my phone ringing in my shorts pocket. I take my phone out and read the screen, it's a FaceTime from Chris. Benji saw it and look at me.

"Gotta go" i say, passing next to him to reach the door

"So you're not putting the triplets above me, huh ?" he says

"Fuck you, Benji" i answer before i step out of the kitchen

I quickly pass through the living room, everyone is still there...They must have heard my fight with Benji but i don't care i just rush to my bedroom to answer Chris call.

"And my beers and coke ?!" yells Mike from downstairs

"Ask Benji !" i yell back


I slightly open my eyes as i am shaken by someone. It's Sam. I sit up on my bed and rub my eyes. I feel asleep on FaceTime with Chris yesterday...We had a good talk, he made me feel better after the scene with BJ

"Wake up and dress up quickly ! We gotta head to school" he says, throwing random clothes at me

"Oh shit, school !" i exclame as i catch the clothes he is throwing

James is here too, he is sitting on my desk. Sam left after someone downstairs called him so it's just me and James. I go to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth and clean my face so i can look a little bit better and then i dress up with the clothes Sam chose for me. James is still watching me.

"Can you please give me my backpack or just do something instead of watching me like a pervert ?" i say as i roughly brush my hair

"Yeah, yeah...sorry" he stands up, red with shame and gives me my backpack

"Take the books on the desk too" i order

"Yes, sir" he executes

"Hurry up, bitches" yells Mike from downstairs

"We are coming" i yell back as i grab my books and run down the stairs while i put them in my backpack.

James is behind me. We get in Mike's car. Benji's car already left and by the remaining person he took with him, Emma, Cindy, Olivia and John. Doesn't surprise me...

The drama 😰😰😰

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