621 4 2

My heart rate finally go back to normal. It's was so embarrassing. What the fuck just happened to me ???? I try to keep calm and catch my breath.

"It was cool to meet Chris "el famoso" ! But i kinda imagined him a little bit more like me..." says Benji

"What would i be friends with guys like you ? I already have you" i answer, rolling my eyes

"Awn ! So adorable !" he makes a exaggerated pouty face and hug me

"It wasnt the way i meant it but okay...Do you want a sandwich ?"

Benji nods, slowly unwrapping his arms around me.


Wednesday , 28th January
(Somerville, Massachusetts)

I get up and go wake Benjamin up so we dress up to go to school. We get prepared and we make tiktoks in the car before going to high school. Benji has 80K followers on TikTok, he is kinda famous.


It's maths class. I can't pay attention. I can't staring at my bandage. It reminds me of Chris. I don't know...when i watch it, i feel like i am living the moment again...The way he touched my hand, the way he treated me. Oh my god ! Why can't i stop thinking about him ! This is so wrong...he is a friend of mine. I shouldn't have those thoughts about him...

"Ivy...are you with us ?" asks my teacher taping on my desk

I flinch at the tapping sound and rise my eyes. The cheeks all red by embarrassment. The class giggles...

"Yeah...yeah...i'm listening" i justify myself

"Okay, can you resolve this equation then ?" he dares me

"Yes, of course..." i get up and go to the board


I'm back home from school. My parents are both working today, so i will have to take my afternoon snack alone. I make myself popcorn and get to my room. Right when finally find a comfortable position on my bed, phone rings. I sigh and get up to get my phone that is on my desk. It's a FaceTime call from Nick ! I pick up the call and go back to my bed.

"Hi, Ivy" he says, smiling at me through the screen

"Sup' Nick" i answer waving at me "how are doing today ?"

"Good, what about you ?"

"Good, like after an average day of school...But anyways, what do you want, bestie ?"

"I am calling, cause i just today's new video and i was wondering if you want to watch it with me and tell me what do you think ?"

"It's like a perfect timing cause i just made popcorn, lemme grab my laptop and let's watch it"


It's about more than 1 hour than Nick and I are FaceTiming, when my mom enter my bedroom.

"Ivy, get downstairs, dinner's ready"

"Lemme just end my call and i'll be downstairs in a minute !"

"Hi Ms. Martin !" yells Nick through the screen

"Who's this ?" my mom asks, raising an eyebrow

"It's Nick..." i make a silence "the one from yesterday..."

"Yeah, thanks. I remember..." she rolls her eyes "Tell him i say hi !"

"Nick, my mom says hi. But anyways i have to go eat dinner so bye. Might call you later though cause we ain't finished !"

"Bye, see ya...bonne appetit" Nick answers, waving at me

I kiss the camera and hang up. I get out of bed and follow my mom downstairs. My dad is already here. We all sit around the table and starts eating.

"So..tell us about your new friends. You seem to really like them" says my mom after eating her first bite

"What new friends ?" asks my dad in total confusion

"She brought three boys home yesterday !" she answers

"Three BOYS ???" he frowns

"It's not what it sounds like...They are friends and they are triplets" i reassure him "I met them last week and actually they drive me to work. They came yesterday but you were in your office so i didn't want to bother you"

"Ok..." he doesn't seem so convinced "What do they look like ?"

"Three handsome young men, really calm and respectful" interrupts me my mom

"Mom, don't call them handsome ! You sound creepy as fuck..." i say, indignant

"No swearing at the table, young lady" sighs my dad, rolling his eyes

"You should invite them for dinner tomorrow, so your dad can meet them ?" she asks "What do you think ?"

"Yes, but only if you don't cook organic, vegetarian or fat free food"

"Okay...okay, i won't but only because they come" she declares

"You should invite your friends over often..." says my dad, winking at me

I giggle at his little joke. My dad is like a huge meat lover, every occasion to eat meat is a blessing for him.


I'm FaceTime calling Nick after the dinner. After some ringings, he take the call

"I'm back from dinner !" i shout

"I'm going to dinner. I'm in the car right now with Chris and Matt. We are going to Chick-fil-a ! I'm so hungry ! Anyways..." he flips back the camera "say hi to Ivy, Chris"

"Hey Ivy, how are you doing ?" asks Chris

"Great, thanks you Chris" i smile at him

"Matt say hi to Ivy !" he turns the camera towards Matt

"I'm driving right now, stupid !" he says both hands on the wheel

"But your mouth is not driving, idiot !" Nick claps back "Anyways, he is dumb so let's ignore him" he flips the camera back to him

"So i just finished dinner and my mom proposed to invite you guys to dinner home tomorrow. But like you guys must say yes cause she said she will prepare normal just for the occasion and my dad will be so disappointed if you guys don't come cause he wants his weekly dose of meat + he has never met you yet"

"Oh my god, how sweet ! We will definitely come !"

Not much to say except it's summer holidays in my country so i get to write more. Hope you enjoyed the chapter ! Have great day/night

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐖𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐓 [ᴄ.sᴛʀɴʟ] ON GOING Where stories live. Discover now