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"I have a surprise for you..." adds Chris

"Oh really ?" I feel my heart pounding on my chest and my cheeks turn pink

"Close your eyes" he smiles like a little kid

I close my eyes, wondering what he is about to give me...After some seconds, he allows me to open my eyes. I let out a gasp of surprise when he hands me a rose. The rose is so pretty and so red. I take the flower and can't help but take him in my arms again.

"Thanks you, it's so sweet" I end the hug and give him a kiss on the cheek

I can't tell he is intimidated by my kiss and me too, I never thought I could be that bold to actually do it. We are both a little bit embarrassed.

"Hum...ok let's go now, before we get late" says Matt, breaking the silence

We all nod in agreement and get outside. I feel so awkward in heels and wear them so rarely and only for big occasions. Chris notices it and offers me his arm as a support. I smile at him and wrap my arm around his. We get to the mini van. Chris opens the door for me.

"May Ms.Martin enter the car" he says as he curtsies

"Thanks you, nice gentleman" I answer in my fanciest voice after a little giggle

I enter the vehicle and sit at my usual seat. Chris smiles at me before closing the car door.

"Can I sit in the back with you and Ivy ?" Chris asks Nick

"No way, I don't want to third wheel you two !" he answers completely outraged

I laugh at their interaction as Chris sighs in disapproval and sit next to Matt and Nick next to me. Matt starts the engine after checking everyone has their seatbelts on.


We've arrived at my high school. We can hear the loud music from outside of the building. I lead us to the gymnasium where the party takes place. The music floods us in as soon as I open the door. After a quick scan of the room, I spot my friends on one of the row of bleachers.

"Oh look, my friends are there !" I point them to the triplets

We go to the bleachers and climb the stairs to the fifth row. Almost all of my friends are there except Mike and John.

"Hi guys !" I warmly hug all my friends except Cindy and Emma chatting on the side "So...here are the triplets" i introduce them

"My buddies !" says Benji, hugging them since they already know each other

Sam and James give them a simple handshake and a smile. Bella hugs them and chat a bit with Nick. Emma and Cindy finally stop chatting and stand up to greet the triplets.

"So you guys are the Sturniolos ?" asks Cindy with a big smile

"Ivy won't stop talking about you, so happy to meet you guys !" Emma hugs the three of them

Oh my goodness...they are so hypocrite that it is funny. They are so pathetic it's unbelievable...

"Oh hi..." says Olivia shaking their hands

"Olivia, where is John ?" I ask, genuinely concerned

"He probably had something better to do...he is going to be late" i can feel the disappointment in her voice

"He is an asshole !" says Nick as i was about to say the same thing

"Yeah...but don't be sad, it's-" i start

"Uhm...can you like let us meet the triplets first before starting your hate speech on John" interrupts me Emma

"Wow...i was actually about to say that-" i try to continue

"Don't really care" she interrupts me again

She pushes me away with her hip so hard that I slip on the stairs but thankfully Chris catches me.

"Are you okay..." he asks as he puts me back on my feet

"Oh my god, you're so dramatic Ivy" Emma rolls her eyes "I barely pushed you"

I don't even answer and leave before I fucking explode and insult her. Why do she gotta humiliate me literally all the time ? I'm so furious. I didn't even have the time to enjoy the party that she already ruined everything. I need to calm down. On my way to the bathroom, I meet Mike.

"How are you doing, Martin ?" he asks, with a smile

"I'm about to fucking explode !" i raise my voice

"Oh...it's the girls again i suppose ?" i nod at his statement "Well, i have some weed if you wanna relax a bit..." he takes out a little bag out of the pocket of his suit

"I'm not into weed...Go ask Emma, her junkie ass will definitely like it" i roll my eyes

"Yeah no, don't really fuck with her too...pick me choose me type of girl" he says

"Well, as you should she is such an horrible human...anyway i have to go the bathroom. See you, Mikey"

I wave at me and we both leave. I enter the bathroom and take some tissue and water to rinse my face a little bit without ruining the makeup Bella did on me. I need my medication and i don't have them right now...I'm about to go crazy. I feel tears in my eyes. I need to calm down. I take a deep breath and get out of the bathroom. I sit on random stairs and listen to the music that i can still hear from where i am. All of the sudden, I hear footsteps coming towards me...


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐖𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐓 [ᴄ.sᴛʀɴʟ] ON GOING Where stories live. Discover now