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After Chris left, i finished filling up the aisles while Daniel was at the register and about an hour after, another worker replaced me and Benjamin's car is parked outside. I run to the changing room and put my normal clothes back on and my work clothes in my locker. I say goodbye to Daniel and leave the store. Benji waiting for me in his Tesla. He instantly get off his phone and smiles at me as he open the door for me to get in. I sit in the car and hug my best friend.

"So what do you want to ask ?" i say

"What do you mean ?" he asks with a fake innocent face

"You rarely pick me up from work, that's suspicious" i squint

"It's not because your triplets do it that i can't" he puts his hand on the wheel

"Yeah, okay sorry...thanks for picking me up" i fasten my seatbelt

I don't want Benji to feel like the triplets replaced him. He is my best friend and he will always be. He starts the car and gets on the road. The silence is kinda awkward...

"So...who is this new guy at the register ? I've never seen him before..." he says after he let out a sigh

"He's a new worker, Daniel...that's his name" i answer, readjusting my posture

"Nice, is he kind ? You like him ?" he continues

"Well, yeah he is kind, i kinda like him, feel good to work with someone around my age"

"Great..." he nods and leaves a little silence "Can i ask you something ?"

"What ?" i question

"Hum...can we do the sleepover to your house today ?" he shows me his cutest face "Please ! Gabe is using the house tonight and i owe him one for letting you sleep in his bedroom"

"I fucking knew it ! You made me feel guilty though i was right !" i yell "But yeah we can do the sleepover at my house tonight" i calm down

"Thanks you so much, Ivy" he quickly kiss my cheek and keep driving "So let's buy snacks for the night. Ask the group chat what they want"


Sunday, February 8th 2021
Boston, 10:47 pm

We are all laying in my couch, i am under a plaid with Benjamin and Cindy that are cuddling...How gross and repulsive but anyways it's not the worst compared to Emma literally smoking in my living room, she knows damn well i don't like them smoking in my house like vaping why not, it smells good but real cigarette is a no and my mom is literally sleeping upstairs. The boys are drinking beers and other stuff. We are either on our phone or watching TV.

"Guys !" Benji says, catching everyone attention "I was wondering...who are you guys going with for the Valentine's prom"

Bruh, i literally forgot about that...Since the beginning of highschool, i've always went to prom with Benji but like it's the first time they make a Valentines one so i don't know, kinda weird to go with Benji, since he is my best friend and already half of the school already think we are dating or sleeping with each other

"Obviously, i'm going with my baby, Olivia" says John wrapping his arm around Olivia's shoulder

John and Olivia are dating since almost a year, i think. They are cute together but i just never liked John...He is just too much for me, too aggressive too show off too rude too everything i hate...by far my least favorite "friend" but he makes Olivia happy so it's okay, i guess...Even if Olivia told us she has been thinking of breaking up with him a thousand times but yeah...

"I might go with Bella, she hasn't confirmed yet" says Sam, taking a sip of his beer

Bella and Sam are still in a kinda flirty phase and i am happy for them because Bella is the more pure person i know and Sam is the most healthy and nice out of all the boys. Bella didn't come to the sleepover tonight because she lives far of almost all the group houses and also she doesn't smoke or drink and she doesn't like people doing it around her. She is kind of the nerd of the group, she is the top student and everyone's favorite especially my favorite. She is just so perfect, i love being around her, she has this safe and comforting aura that i adore so much. Her and Benjamin are my favorites for life.

"Mike, who are going with ?" asks Emma in the most pick me choose me way

"I don't know...Probably no one, i'm a loner, i don't need bitches" he says, letting the smoke of his vape coming out of his mouth

"Just say you're gay !" chuckles James

"Oh shut up, bitch !" Mike throws a cushion at him

"Personally, i ain't going with anyone for the moment, i completely forgot about that shit...who are you going with, Ivy ?"

Oh shit, why me ? I also completely forgot about that.

"Hum...i don't know, i was thinking maybe the triplets, but i haven't asked them yet" i mumble

"Not those cringey YouTubers again..." Emma rolls her eyes

"Don't talk about them like that !" i rise my voice

"Yeah, Emma don't talk about her boyfriends like that, she gonna get pissed" Cindy makes fun of me


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