3 | the sun is shining again

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Pairing: Loki and Thor not a ship.

Warnings: none.

Setting: Thor is looking at the sunset on New Asgard remembering his brother.


I assure you brother...the sun will shine on us again. Thor remembered his little brother's words while looking at the setting sun in new asgard. He felt like he failed his whole family. He let his mother die. His father. His brother. And even his best friend.

Thor felt like he was responsible for Loki's death. He should've done better in protecting him. And he was so cruel to him, his whole childhood. You really are the worst brother. A tear escaped from his eye.

*Meanwhile in the TVA*

"Are you ready?" Mobius asked Loki, handing him the tempad. After weeks, months even, of research, they finally found a place for Loki to reunite with his brother without breaking the sacred timeline. Loki sighed. "I think I am." Sylvie squeezed his shoulder in reassurance.

The god took ahold of the device, pressing a few buttons on it. The orange door appeared in front of them. "Thank you for everything." Loki hugged both the TVA agent, and the new leader of the authority. "Go." Mobius patted Loki's back, who walked into the portal.

Loki's eyes were flooded by light. He kept quiet, seeing Thor sitting on the edge of a cliff, looking at the sun. He carefully walked over to his brother, sitting down next to him. "I told you. The sun will shine on us again." Thor's eyes snapped open, looking into the direction from where Loki's voice came from. "How is this possible? Am I hallucinating?" The sound of Loki's laugh lingered in the air. "It's a long story, but no you're not hallucinating. I am real. And I just wanted to say that I'm sorry."

Thor threw himself onto Loki, his arms wrapping around his brother's neck. Thor started sobbing violently and so did Loki, not being able to contain his tears at this amount of happiness. "You should be sorry. It was my fault. I was selfish and only though about myself. I should've protected you better. I should've known you're not the same Loki when you tried to take over New York. I'm your big brother. I should've known."

"It's alright. We're here now. That's all that matters."

Author's Note: I saw MoM yesterday, and it was really good. 9/10. I liked Spiderman and Shang-Chi better tho.

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