13 | my mother's eyes

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Pairing: none

Warnings: a bit of angst

After Loki sat on the throne at the end of time he has been getting lonely a lot. So he figured out a way to travel to universes.


This is it, right? That's all Loki wanted. The throne. He thought about the first conversation he had with Mobius.

Loki, the king of space.

The technical analyst said this to mock Loki, but now it's true.

But if only...

If only he wasn't so lonely. If only he could've stayed at the TVA with Sylvie, Mobius, OB and Timely.

Loki thought about his mother. Thor. Even his father. Was there a reality where Frigga doesn't die?

He clutched the tempad in his hand. Taking a deep breath, he turned the device on. The god looked through the realities saved on it.

There were a lot of places. But eventually...eventually he found what he was looking for.

Asgard, 2011.

The time door opened in front of him. He hesitated for a moment, but then walked in. He was in the corridors of the palace that he knew all too well. He put on an illusion of a guard, not wanting to get caught just yet.

He walked the way to his mother's chamber. And walked in. "Ladies?", he turned to the servants after walking in. "Would you excuse us for a moment?"

The maids nodded and retreated from the room. Frigga was just getting ready for Thor's coronation.

Loki let out a shaky breath after the door closed behind him, and let the illusion fade.

"Hi mom."

He gave his mother a weak smile. "Loki, what happened?"

She immediately wrapped her arms around his neck. He could finally let everything out. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He cried as she held him.

It took him a while, but Loki calmed down eventually. Frigga Held him the whole time.

Once they pulled away from their hug, she laid her hand on her son's cheek. "You're not from here, are you?", she asked him.

Loki shook his head. "Bad things happened. It was all my fault. And now I'm alone, forever." He had years in his eyes again.

"Come, sit." The woman gestures to a couch. He followed her motion.

"Tell me everything."

Loki hesitated for a moment. "I was in new York...it was 2012 I think. And then I saw a 2nd Tony Stark...I guessed that they figured out time travel. And they wanted the Tesseract. But something went wrong, and I got it into my hands so I teleported away to some desert. There were people there, talking in a foreign language. I didn't understand them. And them the weirdest thing happened. Although from what I've seen in the last few days nothing is weird anymore."

Loki took a deep breath before continuing.

"This weird orange portal opened and a woman, stepped out and she put a collar on me that stopped me from using my magic and took me to this place, the TVA. Time Variance Authority. It was scary. They almost killed me but an analyst, Mobius, he saved me. And he showed me what would've happened if I hadn't escaped to the desert. They would've brought me back here and father would sentence me to die in the dungeons. But then...then the dark elves attacked the palace and...and I send them to kill you. I wanted it to be Thor. I thought he was wherever I sent them. But it was you." He had tears in his eyes again.

"It was all my fault. Then, then I brought father to a nursing home on Midgard and I put on an illusion and ruled Asgard for a while but then Thor returned and found out. We went to get father and some wizard helped us, and then he died. Father died. And he said....he said 'I love you my sons.'"

"We had to fight our sister, Hela, and we had to start Ragnarok or else the people wouldn't have survived. We were in a spaceship and everything would've been perfect. But then...then Thanos attacked our ship. He wanted the Tesseract. Thor thought I left it on Asgard but I took it. He said I was the worst brother ever. It was the last thing he ever said to me. I tried to kill Thanos. He choked me to death and...and broke my neck."

Loki was crying. "The TVA...they wanted my help to find a variant of me who was killing their workers. I found her in an apocalypse and followed her into another. We almost died if the minutemen hadn't found us. When we were back at the TVA, Mobius assumed I liked her. And if I have to he honest, I did. She was me. She understood. We were supposed to get executed...but it turned out that the TVA has been a huge lie. We did eventually get pruned. I was in this weird place...the void at the end of time."

Loki's mother listened to him with care. She held his hand. "I met other variants of me...some of them were scary and there was even an alligator. Eventually I managed to find Sylvie and Mobius again. And we thought of a plan to overtake the TVA. Mobius went back, and me and Sylvie we enchanted this big cloud that was eating everything. Sylvie taught me how to enchant. We were at a citadel, at the end of time. There was this really scary guy and Sylvie killed him...we shouldn't have killed him. That's what started all the chaos. But well, Sylvie she...she kissed me and then pushed me into a portal. I was in a really weird version of the TVA where Mobius didn't recognize me. But I managed to get back to the normal reality. I had this really weird skill, I was time slipping."

"We needed to save the universe. All the time I thought that we had to find a variant of the weird guy that we met at the end of time." He sighed. "But it had to be me."

"I had to save the universe. And now I'm alone. I'm all alone at the end of time. Holding the branches of time together. I mean alright cool I am the god of time now. But what do I get? I'm alone."

Loki heard his mother sigh. "Loki, my dear. You did what you had to do. You saved your friends and I'm so proud of you. You're so powerful. And you learned how to enchant? That's incredible. What you did there is something that no one else could do. You sacrificed your happiness for your friends. And I believe that was the right thing to do."

Loki hugged his mother. "I love you mom."

"I love you too Loki. Whenever you feel lonely, just come visit, alright? I'll be waiting for you."

४ 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 ϟ 𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘛𝘸𝘰Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant