my first day

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The door opened after 3 minutes of you standing there. Hey sorry for not coming faster says Josh. It's fine we're is Bryce you ask. Oh I think he is in the basement with the builders Josh says running back outside to the pool. You walk down stairs to the basement we're Bryce is standing. Hey Bryce you say. Oh hi yn Bryce says. Can you hold madi for me please you say. Sure Bryce says. Follow me and y'all go up to the main floor. I need you to clean the fridge out and go food shopping for the house Bryce says. ok I need money though yn says and can you ask if nessa and mads can watch madi please and thank you. Will do Bryce says. Bryce gives you his card and his keys to his car its much bigger so you can buy more food. You drive to target and buy
List of things
1. White claw
2. Red bull
3. Bang energy
4. Lettuce
5. Milk
6. Eggs
7. Protein powder
8. Pasta
9. Rice
10. 6 boxes of cereal
11. Sheets/ blankets
12. Chicken
13. Chips of any kind
You got all that at target and then went to trader Joe's and got more food
List of food
1. Stake
2. Shrimp
3. Pineapple
4. Apples
5. Mushrooms
6. Tv dinners
7. Potatoes
You got more food and stuff like that you got everything and paid and went back to the car. You called Bryce to see if he needed anything else he said no. After 30 minutes you pull up to the house and beeped the horn. The boys came out and started unloading the car after 20 minutes the car was empty. So you went inside and cleaned the fridge and put the stuff away.

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