Prologue: At the Bridge

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In the middle of the night, she was walking and a full moon was shining brightly in her face.


Nobody cares what she's up to. She was the only one carrying an enormous bag.

Because of the enormous bag she carried, you might believe she's going somewhere or running out of their house.

Finally, she arrives at a bridge where she will put an end to it all.

To be specific, her life.

She stood up and sang her favorite lullaby as she began to lift her feet off the surface level of the bridge.

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merily, merily, merily
Life is but a dream~

She chuckled when the part of the lullaby is in the "Life is but a dream"

Life is truly just a dream for Aviona. A dream that is full of nightmares. If she die tonight, the life that is full of nightmares will finally end.

She take a short look at the moon the moment she let herself fall on the bridge.

"I guess this is the perfect view to end my life.

A perfect view.
Quiet and
No one will interrupt me again.

Sorry mom. Sorry dad. Sorry everyone. I tried, but I'm tired. It's time for your daughter, who is a failure, to end her life.

I deserve this."

It was so serene when Aviona plunged from the bridge. There will be no interruptions. At this hour, there are only a few cars or jeepneys on the road.

Even people are too preoccupied with their own lives to notice what she is doing. It had been a difficult journey for her. Her journey has come to an end.

"Did she try to finish her life?"

"I guess she has had a rough day."

"I hope she will wake up soon. I bet her family is now worried about her."

"You are now her saviour, Sten.”

"Did I save her?"

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