Chapter 1: Vague Dream

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"Happy Birthday, our sweetie," a gentle woman's voice echoes in her ear.

Aviona takes a deep breath and opens her eyes. Her eyes are heavy, and she appears perplexed by what is going on in the sunny surroundings. She yawned and clenched her eyes. Then she sat down and rested her back on the slats of her bed's headboard. She took a careful glance to her right and noticed a woman.

That woman is her mother, and she is smiling at her.

What is Mom's purpose in coming here? What's more, why is she smiling at me? Is there any good news? Aviona pondered.

"Mom..? So, what exactly are you doing in my room? Why are you having a cake?" Aviona seemed befuddled by the situation.

"It's your birthday today, May 16th. Have you forgotten about it?" Her mother gave her a small chuckle.

"16th of May.. The date is May 16th. The day I was born. Really..? I was under the feeling that I had already—"

"Are you all right, sweetie?" Her mother now appears to be really concerned about her. Her mother gently stroked her hair.

"Mom, I'm okay. Thank you so much for this lovely cake for my birthday. I guess I'll just walk downstairs when I finally ready myself." Aviona says, feigning a grin so her mother won't be concerned.

"All right, sweetie. We'll simply wait for you to come. Calm down a bit, okay? You look pale."

Her mother said, kissing her on the cheeks and chuckling, "Your boyfriend is downstairs. Put on some decent clothes."

Aviona nodded and just smiled like she's agreeing to what her mother said. Her mother finally walk out on her door and it is time for her to screamed out of her body that's for sure.

Boyfriend? What? Is it true that I have a boyfriend? Where on earth? How?

Her phone kept beeping incessantly, and she was completely oblivious to it. It was her so-called boyfriend that called, but she didn't respond since she was too preoccupied with trying to figure out what was going on in her life at the moment. She takes a few steps forward before returning to her previous posture. She's deep in thought, and she's even biting on her nails.

"Come on, Brain! You can do it! THINK!" Aviona became annoyed because it had been about 10 minutes and she still had no idea what was going on.

She came to a halt as she heard a knock at her door. It turned out to be a male. The voice of a man. It does not appear to be vaguely recognizable to her.

"Who is that?" Aviona was hesitant, so she grabbed the first thing that sprang to mind on her desk: a compact mirror.

My question went unanswered. The man who is knocking on my door hasn't even responded to my question about who he is.

"Do you mind if I come in? Is it possible for me to get something into your room?" The man who is knocking at the door appears to require help, so Aviona grips the object in her hand tightly and carefully opens the door, revealing the man.


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