Chapter 7: Strange Scene

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“I'll tell her everything,” said a man with purple hair who was wearing a long white silky sleeve in front of them.

Everyone was taken aback by what they witnessed. They're all staring at the man who emerged out of nowhere in the middle of their serious conversation.

“Who are you? How can you—” Phaedra said of the man who couldn't take his gaze away from Aviona.

“Who are you? How can you—” Phaedra said of the man who couldn't take his gaze away from Aviona

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“Oh. Regarding that... You must have forgotten to shut the door.”

“Ah yes.. ” Phaedra chuckles. “I forgot to close the door.”

“So, what exactly do you want to say to me?”

Aviona inquires, her gaze resting on the man.

Lorcan and Phaedra were both looking at the man at the same time.

“All right, once you've recovered, I'll tell you everything.”

“However, I am fine right now, and you may tell me.”

“Oh, it's almost 6 p.m., everyone, I have to go. Bye!”

“Hey! Wait!” Aviona yelled back through the door to the man who was running back. Phaedra and Lorcan stopped Aviona from getting out of her bed.

“Avi.. Calm down,” Lorcan says, taking Aviona's hand in him. “Please.. Return to your bed and relax for a while; I'll handle the rest. Okay?”

“Okay.. Lor. Thanks. Remain safe.”

“I will.”

Lorcan lets go of Aviona's hand and taps Phaedra's shoulder before sprinting as fast as he can to grab that man who entered the room unexpectedly.

“Phae.. that man.”

“What exactly is it? Do you recognize him?”

“In my dream, I believe I saw him.”

“Really? Do you have any idea what her name is?”


“All right, Avi..... Let's only hope Lorcan comes up. For the time being, rest because you need it.”

“Okay. Please wake me up when Lorcan returns..”

“Of course, Avi.”

I'm grateful that my friends are here. I suppose I am the blessed person on earth.

Aviona has been asleep for the past two hours. Lorcan pauses to gather his breath.

“G-guyss,” he said, but no one heard him because Phaedra and Aviona were both sleeping. “Oh. They're both sound asleep. They must be tired of waiting for me.”

Lorcan took a seat on the bench and slipped his feet down. He placed one hand on the back of his head and began looking up towards the ceiling. He's overthinking it once more.

“Lorcan? How long have you been there?” When Phaedra awoke, the first thing she saw was Lorcan at the bench.

“Phae.. Have I jolted you awake?”

“Oh no, no, no,” she exclaimed. “How did it go? Have you caught the man and questioned him?”  Phaedra's eyes are filled with curiosity as she looks at Lorcan.

“Well.. I failed to catch him. He's running quick. He was gone in the blink of an eye. I look for him everywhere but can't find him.”

“That man is peculiar. Aviona had a dream about him.”

“Really? But how?”

“I'm not sure. It's confusing. When Aviona has fully healed, we'll ask her about it.”

“You're absolutely correct. Oh wait, I got a phone call,” Lorcan shuffles his pants to find his phone, and when he did, he was surprised to see who had called. “Phae!”

“Why? What went wrong?” Phae was also taken aback by Lorcan's expression.

“It's Eloise”

“So? Answer the phone.”

“I can't.”

“Why? Come on. Tell me!”

“I'm not sure what I'm seeing, but...something inside of me said it was Eloise, Lorcan says as he quickly locks the door and continues speaking. I noticed Eloise with that ?man. They appear to be really close. Of course, I followed them while they were walking. I don't even blink before realizing they are both gone. It's as though they've been lost in a blink of an eye. It's odd.”

“My hair is rising up in my hands. It's eerie and odd.”

“Look! Eloise texted me to tell me to pick up the phone. What am I supposed to do?”

“Just pick up the phone.”


“We have no other option.”

Lorcan picks up the phone.

“U-hh.. hello? El?”

No one is picking up the phone.

“Hello El. Are you still there?”

No one has responded yet.

“Hey, Lor. Just hang up,” Phaedra said softly to Lorcan.


“Just put the phone down.”

Lorcan ended the call, and they then hear a knock at the door.

“Phae..I believe there is a knock at the door.”

“Yeah.. Who is it?”

“I'm not sure.. let us simply ask.. who's there?”

Nobody is responding.

“Stop making us uncomfortable. Who's there?”

No one has responded yet. However, the knocking has ceased.

Phaedra holds Lorcan's hand and says, “I'm terrified.”

“It's okay. You and Aviona are safe in my hands as long as I am still here. Okay?”


Lorcan wipes Phaedra's tears as she sobs quietly.

“All I'm concerned about is Aviona and what might have happened to her.”

“Don't be concerned. I'll look after you both. For a while, I'll call the cops. Just keep an eye on Aviona. Please stop crying.”

If something happens to them, Lorcan will call the police for assistance. He also contacted the nurse in charge of Aviona's care.

“Phae. They'll come here for a short time. We'll simply wait.”

Someone knocks after a minute, and Phaedra immediately opens it because she believes it is the police or the nurse, but it is not.

It's Eloise.

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