Chapter 3: An Unexpected Gift𖤛-𝚅𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚊-𖤛

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Thank the stars I was wearing fabric to cover the smile that crept along the sides of my mouth. I couldn't let Elric suspect anything though, so I put on my best act.
"What do you mean?"
I can easily make my voice sound broken and sad, after all, that's what it sounds like most of the time. I never had a hard time pretending to be ok or not be ok. I am a princess, and that is one of our best skills. Although, on the inside I was jumping for joy. I don't care how morbid it sounds to be glad for your fathers death, because the happiness and relief I feel is worth the dark reaction.
" I'm awfully sorry, my lady."
I look down and clench my fists as a way to pretend I'm trying hard not to show feeling.
"Who did this to him?"
I ask only because I want to thank whoever gave me this blessing.
"We do not know my lady"
Elric says as he still averts eyes from me as best as he can. I watch him as he does this, looking at the ceiling to my fireplace. I don't understand why it's so hard for him to try not to stare at me. After all, I am hideous. Or maybe it's the fact I'm covered in blood.
"What is it?" I ask him, still in a broken voice so he doesn't think I've gone insane.
he clears his throat
" I didn't mean to intrude while you were not in your formal... attire."
That's when I realize how much of a fool I really am. He's embarrassed of me, not attracted to me. Although I'm surprised he hasn't noticed the blood still dripping from my nightgown. Oh. My. Gosh. That's when I realize I'm standing in a puddle of my own blood.
"May you please lead me to the infirmary" I ask
He looks at me then and screams. Even when my face is covered men still scream. That's when I feel my head hit the floor. Hard.

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