Chapter 4: A Doomed Kingdom𖤛-𝚅𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚊-𖤛

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I awake to the sound of steady beeping. I feel sore in my right arm and I look down. A needle is pressed into my skin and connects to an iv drip. There is also a heart monitor next to me. I groan because I did not get the pleasure of death. Or maybe I am dead? No, that couldn't be. I look up and see a sweaty servant talking to the nurse. If this chump died with me I would, well, die. Can you kill people if you're already dead? I ponder on my thoughts and startle when the nurse screams of relief.
People truly are over dramatic sometimes.
"What happened?"
I really am curious about how I got here, after all I did hit my head pretty hard, I can still feel my pulse throbbing on the top of my head.
"The murderer Miss. He stabbed the thigh of your right leg."
The nurse Looks at me with sympathetic eyes. I wince. A pain, much like a knife, stabs me in the heart. Why so? I push the feeling aside and try to focus on what the nurse is saying.
"The wound on your thigh should heal soon, but I suggest staying in the clinic for a day or two-"
I stand up and rip out the Various needles that connect to the IV drip and pulse monitors.
"Elric, prepare my breakfast." I say.
"It's- It's the afternoon, your highness."
Elric stutters.
"Then bring me some lunch!"
I scream and limp out of the room.
My maid adjusts my corset and I groan. The wound in my hand has already healed, but my thigh has been aching all day. "Tighter." I tell my maid as she ties my corset, yet again. She pulls the strings one final time and I feel like I can't breathe. Good. Satisfied, she helps me slip into my gown and I fawn over it. This time, the gown is dark blue with black studs around the bodice that glimmer in the light. My veil matches the theme also, with studs that decorated each fold and the black crown above my head. "Why are you still here? Get out!"
I scream and the maid scurries out of my bedroom while also hurriedly closing the door. I sigh and admire the dress one last time before I take it off and unlace everything. Why did I even bother trying it on in the first place? I look around and put on a black tank top with black leggings. I then put on black boots and a black leather coat that goes down to my hips. Once I finish lacing everything together, I quickly take off my veil and replace it with simple black silk.
Now, we wait.
About 5 hours pass by. 5 agonizing hours of me strategizing and planning. It's now the middle of the night and there is nothing but pitch black outside. perfect. I slip out of my room and into the shadows where I blend into the black of the night. Trying desperately to not limp, my leg burns and the corners of my wound snag at the cloth wrapped around it. I let out a soft scream and bit my tongue.
"Who's there?"
A low voice from behind me booms through the hallway and I make a run for it. I hear the guards' boots clank against the floor grow nearer and nearer. My ears tickle in the cold air. I scream. Turning around, I spot my veil on the floor a yard away from me, but it's now out of my reach. If I were to go back, the guard would catch me. I shut my eyes, closed them and continued to run, feeling the air against my face and the tears stream down my cheeks.
"Go away!"
I scream. My voice is raspy and gurgled and nothing like my usual one. I choke back more tears, letting the remaining ones stream down my chin because I don't want to even touch it. Suddenly, I see a ray of moonlight and look at the end of the corridor. The castle door sits there, inviting me to a world of sickness and murder. I quicken my pace and ignore my thigh, now feeling as if it'll fall off at any moment. Joy overcoming my body, I leap through the door and run towards the castle gate, blood trickling down my leg.

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