Chapter 9: Now I'm Running From The Law. Great.𖤛-𝚅𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚊/𝙰𝚕𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚊-𖤛

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I awake to yells outside. When Silas had left, I made myself comfortable and decided to sleep because boy did I need it. Yeah, when you escape from your home, almost die, get saved by a mysterious and handsome man, then almost die again, it makes you really tired.
Silas drives through the door.
"Get up!" he screams
"What's going on?"
I think I have the option of knowing why he would yell at me to get moving at the dead of the night.
"Just get up! I'll explain everything later."
Ugh. Fine. He did save my life after all.
I jump out of bed and he stuffs heavy bags into my hands.
"What are these?"
"Questions later."
He may have a handsome face, but boy does he have a ghastly attitude.
A loud pounding drums on the door and I hear muffled shouts coming from the other side.
"Palace guard! Open up!"
The palace guard? Oh no. They've come looking for me, or have they?
Panic is whirling in my thoughts and I immediately stand up. I ignore the pain that follows.
Silas grabs my arm and throws the stool next to him against the window.
Glass flies everywhere.
"We're gonna jump." He whispers.
What did you do? I think.
We both run towards the window in the room and, well, jump.
I close my eyes and expect my legs to connect to the ground, my arms to wrap around him, but neither happens.
I open my eyes and look down to see the floor getting increasingly closer, and closer.
I start to panic. "Silas!"
My screams are cut short because he wraps his arm around my waist.
His arm is around my waist.
He then pulls his knife out of his back pocket and pushes it against the concrete wall. We slow down. The knife loges into a crack in the wall and stops.
"What was that?" I scream and he shushes me.
"Later." I huff and only begin to realize that I had been clutching the bag so hard to the point where my fingers were turning white. I loosen my grip and look down. We're a couple feet from the ground.
"Three." Silas whispers.
"Two. One."
He pulls the knife from the wall and we hit the floor. I stumbled across the dirty concrete, meanwhile he landed on his feet, like a cat.
"Let's go." Silas offers me his hand and I accept. He pulled me up from the sidewalk and brushed himself off. I do the same. My leg is sore, but I ignore it.
The knife disappeared into his pocket as quickly as it appeared.
"Follow me." Silas grabs the bags from my hands and I comply. Where else can I go?
"Where are we going?" I whisper while walking by his side.
He keeps a straight face. "Silas?"
I stop him in the middle of the road and look into his cold eyes.
"What happened?"
He swallows and gestures to an alleyway next to us. "Not here."
We walk in the dark and I note that the sun seems to be coming up. People will be walking out of their homes soon.
When we reach the alleyway, he drops the bag and grabs my arm hard. I feel his lips against my ear.
"Look, I did something. Something... not good, and now I need to run. Those bags are filled with money and I'm a gentleman so I'm giving you the option, are you in? "
"What in the name of-"
"Are you in or out?"
He pulls away to look at me and I can hear guard shouts from behind me.
What did he do? He could be a murderer or stole a vast amount more than the bag in my hand. If I say yes then he could kill me. After all, I just met him the other day. Although, he is the only man that doesn't scream or run at my appearance. Besides, if I said no I would be kidnapped by the guards and sent back to kneel at my sister's behalf. I would rather die.
I mean, I have before.
I look at him with a dead serious look in my eyes
"I'm in."
He looks startled for a moment but then he grabs my hand and the bag and pulls me into the forest.
Trusting this man may have been the stupidest decision I've ever made, but I can't help but feel as though I am finally human.

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