Chapter 10: Unrefined Joe's𖤛-𝚅𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚊/𝙰𝚕𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚊-𖤛

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We run and run until my throat feels like it's bleeding and my head is pounding. Silas is breathing hard next to me but I can still hear the clink of the guards armor as they run also. Silas kneels down and puts a cupped hand over his knee.
"I'll give you a lift and follow you up, we're going to hide in the tree."
I nod and put my shoe on his hand. He almost throws me up onto a branch. I saw his muscles but I didn't think he was that strong. He jumps up and grabs the same branch and thrusts himself over it. We both start to climb higher and higher in the tree. The guards are coming closer and closer. Then Silas grabs me and pulls me into him.
He breaths into my ear
My face is on fire and my heart is going a million miles a minute. When I look down to see the guards searching for us I hold my breath. Silas is no longer breathing against my ear.
"Where did they go?"asks a guard with a brown beard and medals sporting his coat . I assume he must be the general.
"I heard they stole 50 silvers." another guard says, he has a blond beard
"50 silvers! What in the king's name would they be needing 50 silvers for?"
This guard is thinking the same as me. I mean he stole 50 silvers! Oh my gosh! The weight of the bag makes much more sense now. In my kingdom, 50 silvers is twice the amount that a person makes a year. Even I, the princess, only pay with coppers. Where did Silas find 50 silvers?
"Well I heard he kidnapped the missing princess." Blond Beard says
"Ha! I doubt that. Have you seen the princess? I'm not sure she's even a princess! Then again, she may be the princess of trolls!"
All the men burst out laughing. My face starts to turn red. I want to die. I even thought of throwing myself off the tree but that would give away Silas. Silas doesn't know I'm the princess, and there is a lot of money hanging over my head right now. If he were to figure it out, I would be at my sister's feet in no time.
I need to think fast before they give anymore away. I see a rock on the tree. I scoop it up in my hand and throw it as far away as I can. It takes a second to land, and then when the guards hear it, they're running again.
Me and Silas wait silently until we can no longer hear any sign of them.
"That was quick thinking, Princess."
No. No, no, no, no, no. He knows. He knows I'm the princess.
If he's willing to steal 50 silvers, he will surely be willing to turn me in for 50 more. I will be forced to treat my sister with an honor that she doesn't deserve. If anything, she will probably lock me up in a dungeon for no reason. However, that isn't the biggest reason why I don't want to go back to the castle, because if I do... I will never see Silas again...
I sigh and bend my head down, accepting the fact that the one time I was happy, was only a hallucination.
"Ok, I get it. But just so you know, you don't have to bring me back with force, I'll go willingly."
He snorts
"Bring you back willingling? Ha! You're not leaving my side yet Aldietha."
"Wha- What do you mean?"
He gives me a look. It is meant to look annoyed, but I see the smallest look of humor in his eyes.
"Don't be silly Princess. I am a felon. If I go back, they will lock me in the dungeons."
Of course! How could I be so stupid! Something about his face makes me forget about the world around me. My absurdity makes my cheeks warm and I look away from him so he doesn't see my face.
"O-of course, sorry, I forgot."
"Don't give thought to it Aldietha, everyone makes mistakes. I mean look at me, having to steal."
Having to steal? What does he have to steal for?
"What do you mean?"
"I- uh,"
He clears his throat
"Don't worry about it. For now, we have to figure out a place to sleep for the night."
Silas hops down from the tree and reaches out a hand for me to take it; I do, trying to hide a blush, and hop down the tree like him.
He starts walking in the other direction the guards went.
"Where are we going to go?" I ask him
"Have you ever heard of the place Unrefined Joes?"
I snort and immediately cover my mouth in embarrassment.
His face is dead serious and I lower my hands.
"It's a sort of diner."
I give him a look and he scratches his head.
"And a motel for thieves and murderers."
He adds.
My mind whirls.
"Okay, fine. How far away are we?"
I hear Silas grunt and heave the bag over a large rock.
"Be careful princess, You're standing on it."

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